Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Running 10ks for online forums gets you out from under the bed for an hour or so and is completely free (well, other than the expensive shmartwatch on your wrist that gives you your time, cadence, airspeed, etc). It fills you with an enormous sense of wellbeing.

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The gyms are closed but McDonald’s remains open. For health reasons.



yes of course, but that is a stop gap. We can’t stay inside forever, like a nation of freaks, afraid to talk to people in real life or interact, lifting weights at home on your own is shite. A film like 1917 has to been seen in the cinema. the sooner this farce is consigned to the history books the better

When are cinemas/theatres reopening? Final phase?


I wonder could the economic crash turn out to be as much of a cod as the virus. Surely the vast majority of people will be back to work and heading towards full wages again from tomorrow?

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There is a chorus of lads whinging alright but perhaps they need to take a look at the work choices they made.

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Remains to be seen. I think it’s naive to think it will just go away, more likely it will continue to flare up in hot spots. Outside of major urban centers I don’t think that many have been infected, so there’s a huge population for it to still infect. There is also the strong possibility that it will mutate and come back every year, similar to other flu and cold viruses.

If there is any good news here, I think it’s a wake up call to people to look after their health. The reality is for most younger healthy people this really isn’t that serious a disease, and the great majority are fighting it off easily enough.

The sad thing looking back on it is that it was known in early March from the reports out of China that this was a disease that was killing older people, >80% of the deaths were over 60.

I haven’t looked at figures in 5 or so weeks… Had a look at EU stats there and we’re one of the worst hit. The cunt quoting hobbits on live TV and after he having a complete nightmare.

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Sure fuck all people go to Fire anyway. He could put 10 meters between people and it would be all the one.

The facts simply don’t support that. You’re putting your “I reckons” above facts. That’s a bit silly.

All I’ve done is point out that Ireland has managed this pandemic badly when compared to our peers. That’s not political, it’s simple facts. The NPHET were bad and the government were bad.

It really is that simple.

Who are Ireland’s “peers”. I hope you’re not including most of the EU outside of western Europe where the reporting is a jokeshop really (Poland for example and lots of the smaller countries like Slovakia). Slovakia has reported 28 deaths and has the same population as Ireland.

I largely agree with you, Ireland has had an average response, but not much different to the rest of western Europe. Your claim that the virus arrived in Ireland later than other places is nonsense though.

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The figures up north seem a bit strange, they are still claiming the R number is around 0.9-1 up north compared to 0.4 -0.5 down south but the daily new cases seem to be very small (think they have been in the single figures the past few days).

Relatively the no of new cases in the north seem to be in line with those down south in relation to population yet the r number is nearly double up north what it is down south which doesn’t add up.

I’m calling this as more free state bias.

It will probably be a couple of years before everything comes out in the wash in terms of crunching the numbers from the virus. As the Guardian article says it is a puzzle to the boffins why certain areas have been hit far worse than others when their initial responses haven’t been radically different.

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Imagine living in an utterly failed society in a banana republic, in probably the worst “developed” country in the world to deal with the pandemic, and casting aspersions on the EU.


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The real experts are still guessing but u have the TFK experts thinking they’ve been calling it right all along.

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I live in the bay Area in Cali mate, less than 500 deaths in a population of 8 million. Stick that up your bollox (if you have any).


The US must be terrible. No one seems to want to move there.