Coronavirus - Close the Airports

It’s been great for Vodafone to use a pandemic for more advertising.

No more of this standing behind a bush in the garden talking to your parents

You’d want your head examined to believe figures coming out of eastern European countries

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According to @glasagusban, Ireland is doing terrible because Slovakia has 28 deaths.

At least they shut their borders at times of crisis.

#teamofus #wearthegreenjersey

Soon you will be running, running free

We did it

I’d argue we still have a small few fences to clear.

If you’ve a cough, temperature or any doubts about your health at all. Stay at home, speak to the GP.

Let’s keep this this thing down in order to raise us All back up.


Has there been any real second surge in any country after it’s past through? It’s looking very like seasonal flu type thing at this stage. Hit hard for 8-10 weeks then peter out.

Theres been a few isolated daily spikes that have fucked off again as quick. It’s looking done

China had a rebound but you couldn’t believe a word from there. I suppose the credit is in the social distancing aspect so they’re hard on it.

How are UK numbers looking? Are they declining in line with all other nations or still high? They obviously in the main disregarded social distancing on a strict level early doors. Perhaps that was the key and Italy & Spain suffered similar issue due to the way of interacting in day to day life.

South Korea locked down Seoul after 55 cases.

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Over 40k dead. Lowest death rate today at 77 but that’s a weekend figure. Have been at between 300 and 400 deaths a day for the last ten days or so.

Not sure if serious… :sweat_smile:

That could have been the second surge if it was around in jan/feb

Well if theres going to be one here, we’ll find out in the next week or two. Country will be open from tomorrow.


Hopefully not and we drive in. Cant see people accepting a second lockdown

Barely anyone gets sick in summertime.

I’d say we’ll be grand till October.