Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Any where I can find up to date information with regards to what countries post can be send to from Ireland? Need a hurley and some other stuff sent out for September.

What are you planning to do with the hurl?

Can the mods lock this thread? - It’s been the same arguments for 6 weeks.

The virus has been beaten for a month now ----- if it ever even took hold outside of nursing homes where the very frail were badly hit.


34 confirmed cases in ICU. (19 are on ventilators)

11 more are suspected cases. (5 are on ventilators)

If they’ve gotten as far as ICU should the suspected cases not have been tested by now?

There seems to be a lot of plámásing going on by various government agencies promising all kinds of everything in relation to the opening up of facilities post-pandemic.

e.g. I’ve heard a few teachers say that Joe McHugh is selling all kinds of half baked decisions as being the result of consultations with various groups of teachers. The teachers that are supposed to have been consulted were not and subsequent to those decisions are trying to clean up the shitstorm that’s been created.

So the teachers are being cunts again.



The only way primary schools, in particular, can open is if social distancing is abandoned. There’s no amount of pretending they can do that will change that. Same with crèches. The government have given crèches pure wishy washy fantasy guidance to date.

As always if you don’t make a decision you can’t be blamed

McHugh is a simpleton, he’s incapable of making a decision.

On schools, Sweden reported that the virus is not transferred through young children. If true it means primary schools at least can operate as normal.

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It isn’t just Sweden, the HSE have data to that effect.

Denmark reopened primary schools with social distancing so it can be done.

The point is that if it’s not transmitted by kids, social distancing isn’t needed in schools.

Get you and yours taking Vitamin D and no more about it.

I get that, just making the point that it can be done either way.

Lock all the children in Perspex cubes. Job is oxo

A great bunch of lads

Would the average age of people dying from this actually be higher than the average age of people dying in general?

When they used to give the mean age of those who had died in Ireland it was often in the 90s.

You can’t really count someone as a coronavirus death if they were actually buried alive in the Gobi.

What that why they stopped?