Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Yes, as certain posters pointed out on here, they change the metrics they use to suit the narrative of the day.

In a remarkable turn of events, it transpires that people with coronavirus live longer than average.


I’d hate to think of everyone locked up because people who have outlived the average age of death were suddenly dying.

Welcome to 2 months ago.

Thanks mate. Hopefully they won’t call off the championship over it

The Fritzl Funcube

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The idiocy of people who think any sort of lockdown had no impact on the number of fatalities is an absolute wonder to behold.


How long should it take Ireland to achieve that? Conceivably it should be able to done in about 3 months with the right border controls on the island.

You want Ireland to put up a border with Northern Ireland?

Nope but I think entry on this island should be controlled strictly.

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So outside the Government’s control then, cool.


North/South couldnt close schools or go into lockdown around the same time without it being a major political shit storm.

Both governments would be responsible for enacting it.

We had similar advantages to NZ but didn’t use them. Doubt we’ll ever achieve zero cases. Unlikely NZ will be able to sustain zero cases either but they’re in a better position to control it.

Any sign of science doing its job yet or are they still running about like headless chickens?

I know there have been some confident proclamations around vaccines of late but who would believe a scientist?

Sorry chaps but you’re wrong.

“NZ style” border controls allowed for Kiwi’s to come home for example.

Are you going to tell British citizens and Northern Irish residents that they can’t go back to the North from mainland Britain?

Like the way New Zealand has their pubs open on St Patrick’s Day and has a cluster of cases from there?

We see a lot of lads deriding the discussions on Sweden here but the travel ban and NZ fetishising on here is even weirder.

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Weren’t you blue in the face defending the HSE only for it then to be said the HSE is the biggest problem for Ireland with regard to the virus?

Can you not stick to a point?

How exactly could the Irish government have implemented what you are proposing on an all Ireland basis?