Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You mentioned the Irish government mate.

I mentioned both governments.

The British government?

You and a few other put all their chips on Sweden. It’s ok to have been wrong. Even the real experts are guessing.

This is silly. Transmission is bad in Ireland because we didn’t control it in the island. Our problem has not been people arriving, our problem is ourselves. Also, it’s transferred far more by people returning home with it than by visitors from abroad.

Saying we should lock out people arriving to make ourselves feel safe is the same as blaming immigration for domestic crime problems. It doesn’t address the problem, it’s just easier to scapegoat the foreigners.

Both governments.

How is that proven? 100 repatriating spread the virus more.than 100 tourists?

You’re not the brightest are you?

Not really, trying to learn from what they’ve done.

Also New Zealand I might add.

There isn’t compelling evidence on “doing a NZ”. Even the other one who goes on about travel bans admits that we needed them in early February (far far earlier than NZ) to be effective. It’s hindsight.

Transmission is regressing to the point that we are opening things up. Now is the time to ensure it doesn’t return or increase again. Ireland as a small island has all the advantages going for it to make this happen going forward. Controlling entry on the island is imperative and it will take action from both governments to enact this.

Are you still reeling from earlier?

I was never reeling — you’re making a complete fool of yourself here.

Again, which Governments? There are 3 Governments involved here.

Once again - how would the NZ model work in practice on the island of Ireland?

“Doesn’t return”?

So should we block all international travel then until a vaccine comes about? Are we all going for a bout of Japanese isolationism?

You were reeling earlier and seek unable to get what I said earlier out of your head.

Sounds simplistic but completely wrong. Other EU countries implemented controls for people coming into the country over the last few months, mandatory two week isolation and so on. They’ve now lifted that as Ireland has introduced a similar measure. It’s idiotic on our part, we are out of step with the rest of the EU.

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You’re talking about the NZ model here now, I just mentioned strict controls need to be put in place on entry on this island now that the virus is dying.

And both, governments need to enact this, it will be complex up north but it should be done.

Not at all. The virus didn’t come over from China by carrier pigeon.

There are three Governments. Which two are you talking about?

If Italians werent so unhygienic Europe would be fine … Maybe start a shirt changing and hand washing campaign on an Italian forum - it would do a lot more good than the clueless rubbish you’re spouting here.

Whoever makes the call. The UK is a complex political system with devolved powers but both governments, north and south should be looking to strictly control entry into this island for the foreseeable future.