Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m not sure you get how infectious diseases are spread.

Just because you come from Germany doesn’t mean you wont get the disease here, spread it around for a week and leave it here on your way home.

Likewise but inverse for an irish person travelling

Whatever it is. It categorically isn’t safer.


Given our record at this compared to most of Europe, do you think we’re better off out of step with the EU?

It’s highly unlikely in my view.

The travel ban is a fig leaf. It’s a distraction from the problem is, firmly at home.

They’re fair points but it isn’t safer. It’s ok to admit it

You keep repeating this as if repeating it makes it true.

UK, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden are all far worse than Ireland in terms of deaths per capita, Bar Germany those are Ireland’s nearest neighbors and the European countries that would have most travel with Ireland by far.

So, who are all these EU countries that have done better than Ireland? If you are referencing countries like Poland and Slovakia then you should just log off.

Is Ireland the only island now in the EU with Britain gone?

No, there are loads of them.

Such as?

It’s not less safe.

Sicily. There are hundreds of not thousands of others.

Sicily is in Italy, mate.

Cyprus and Malta.

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Sicily is an island. And it in the EU, mate.

Sicily is not a country.

You never specified country.

I’d have expected that was fairly obvious.

The 26 is now the biggest island member state in the EU, it has by far the best natural advantages to contain the spread of the virus and the ability to severely limit the chances or impact of a resurgence by controlling entry into the island.

This should be done in conjunction with the O6.

hon O’Leary, he should be running the health service instead of that murderer Holohan


It had that chance. We blew it. The situation here now is worse than most of Europe.

You want to close the door after the horse has bolted. It won’t help.

We need to address the problem where it actually is.

How is it worse?

Less than 30 daily new cases over the past 3 days. The virus has been more or less quelled and it’s now about minimising the risk of it returning. International travel is the biggest risk in transmission for countries who have the situation under control.

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