Coronavirus - Close the Airports

So Paddy C reported a nurse had died based on what some random businessman said?

I thought PC was all for journalistic standards?

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He’d fit in well here on tfk.


It is.

Explain how you think it isn’t

Michelle O’Neill has shown terrific leadership throughout this.

Jeez, I wonder what has prompted him to change his tune from the last time he was asked to apologise by the INMO

4 deaths

9 cases

Safe to say phase 1 has been a success.

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9 cases? Open. It. Up. To. Fuck.

It’s fizzling out.

Fuck up gimp

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Hold the line lads… This isn’t over yet.

There seems to be a direct correllation between low number of fatalities/cases and countries that implemented a successful lockdown versus those that were late to introduce one. NZ, Denmark, Norway performing best, Brazil, UK and US at the bottom with Ireland somewhere in the middle. Unlikely to deter lads from arguing against facts.

The boffins say LIBDTF.

So they’ve basically signed a petition to ask the government to keep doing what it’s doing?

Fucking academics

Academics = people who will get paid no matter what.


I’d be ashamed to put my name to that

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Is that actually what they’re calling for? It was a bit vague

They’re calling to “Crush the curve” and eliminate the virus.

They cite places like South Korea that have eliminated the virus and then say but you could lockdown if the virus came back, like South Korea.

A fucking abomination of a statement.

No problem arguing against your facts, as they are nonsense as usual.

The countries that have performed worst in terms of deaths per capita so far are (in order) Belgium, UK, Spain, Italy, Sweden, France, Netherlands. For some reason you left out six of these seven from your list. Ireland has 341 deaths per million, the same as the US, and much worse than Brazil at 176.

I think we can safely disregard you opinions as the ravings of a lefty loon.