Coronavirus - Close the Airports

We’ll probably find that the countries this has ripped through will have a low excess mortality rate in a few months time and next winter time. People won’t be paying attention though once Covid goes.

No deaths in London today. Bor8is opening the pubs on the 22nd

This is Gerry Killeen’s latest musings lads

I know a few cat weirdos that will love to see that


I read that earlier. If that’s true it pretty much seals it.

There’s been so much rameish you wouldnt know what to believe anymore

A bit more detail here. If its true it fills in a lot of the blanks, as once people who had symptoms self isolated and everyone else started to practice social distancing and hygiene measures, the rate of transmission started to drop significantly.

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Was anything those science spoofers told us at the start true?


its a gamechanger

As a few of us twigged this a good while back —it’s all a bit of a cod. The figures never stacked up.

A victory dance for @anon7035031, @ironmoth, @Tassotti, @Tim_Riggins, @Julio_Geordio and @Thomas_Brady

Another kick for the bed wetters like @myboyblue, @carryharry and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

You were right from the start, all the evidence now is this is nothing more than a seasonal flu that badly affects people in their 80’s.

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So all those poor grandparents who were warned to stay away from their killer grandkids were sold a pup.

We’re out the other side of it lads. You all did great.

You can thank science for that one.


Have you an address there and i’ll send them a card.

A masscard?

Don’t believe the numbers out of Slovakia and Poland but do believe the numbers out of Brazil :laughing:

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Seething :rofl:

Come out of your homes,
Come out of your homes,
The CoronaVirus is over,
come out of your homes