Coronavirus - Close the Airports

this thing is only in the hospitals now, its dying out, a bad auld bug was all it was

Every country affected should be sending a bill to the Chinese.
They lied about everything and caused chaos around the world.


sure there was a big call out and hullabaloo for NHS volunteers here, to deliver messages and the likes to auld people hiding under the bed, 700,000 signed up and not one person was ever called to do something, a total cod, not to mention the 4000 bed emergency hospital they built with 34 lads in it at the height of it, and now closed down

What about all the doctors and nurses who packed in jobs in Australia and America to come home for the battle. Sitting around now scratching their holes.


ah stop, it would drive you ape thinking about it

It’s ramping up in Poland now. They OUTF on May 18th and now there is a spike in cases. It is mainly in the coal mining communities in Slask. Gubbermint finally got their finger out and did some testing. 600 reported cases yesterday alone but that includes backlog clearance. All back to normal bar schools and offices. Traffic as bad as usual.

I’d believe the Slovak numbers.

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There will be a spike in Ireland and paddy will absolutely shit himself again

China should be charged 700,000 pound for every single person in the world for what they have done

Twas only a flu mate

there you have it, I knew i had it in December


Would the backlog go back a long way?

Tbh if we are confident about asymptomatic carriers not being huge vectors and kids as well, we can be reasonably normal as long as people are sensible about going out and about when sick. There’ll likely be little outbreaks all the time where conditions align - hold the line will be the appropriate line there.

I have the boot of the car full of paracetamol, ibuprofen and dioralyte. When this thing started @tallback advised us to pillage the pharmacies for this gear before the surge started because we’d have no prospect of getting it then.


About 3-4 weeks I’d say. The miners are probably a cluster like the meat factory workers in Ireland. They all live in the same communities/blocks so it’s been rife across some towns. There was an ice cream factory up around Lodz as well with 120 infected.

That took off in a big way over here the gaa clubs were flat out delivering. The Morris dancing clubs in England probably wouldn’t be as good at actually mobilising lads

it didn’t take off because the whole thing was a load of nonsense in the first place, John Bull didn’t absolutely shit himself

But, hasn’t Labane been giving out about Poland and Slovakia in every post from his falling apart banana republic?

Cheers. It’s interesting to get the true backlog dates as they distort the numbers so much.

The WHO said yesterday that the virus was accelerating because of all the positive tests, but that just doesn’t tab with the death curve. Of course the climate could in the end turn out to be impacting this and one of the reasons why South America is only being hit hard now, but the curve is the curve globally. We just weren’t testing enough two months ago.

No idea. I tend to avoid most of those posts these days.

I saw an article in Gazeta Wyborcza yesterday that compared Poland’s curve with that of Sweden. Very similar and completely different to the rest of the region which is showing more of a bell curve at this stage.