Coronavirus - Close the Airports,173236,25998896,new-study-claims-the-premature-lifting-of-restrictions-means.html

Maybe some of the 40k who died should have stayed home and allow the secretary of the Morris dancing club deliver their messages

It’s all academic

I read that there were high numbers in South Wales too. Coal mining is a tough game and hard on lungs . Can be no accident .

If the cops stopped you and checked you they would be wondering what side of the feud are you on ??

the whole thing was a cod

You’ll be ahead of the curve once the pubs reopen


It was great being in Dublin City centre this morning and seeing our capital city waking up from its medically induced coma and take its first fawn steps on a long road to recovery.

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I can do better than that Fagan

Sunday marked the most COVID-19 cases reported to the World Health Organization in a single day so far during the coronavirus pandemic. 136 thousand cases. reported.

And that’s a Sunday. This Friday could double that, but it’s mostly in poorer countries now so we aren’t too bothered.

I doubt that really is the peak to be honest.

Realistically it was still a month or so ago. We probably had a million or so new cases in a day at one point.

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Are we still two weeks behind Italy?


If children are asymptomatic, and asymptomatic people don’t spread the virus, then closing schools and creches was largely a waste of time?

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Them Italians flooded into the airport. No PPE was worn. We had not one person get sick from it (a few have subsequently had it much later). Why aren’t Tesco workers dropping like flies?

Norway are saying that it was a waste of time as well (and they are one of the success stories of the LIDTF crew), Denmark and Switzerland were quick to reopen too. They were all (much like Sweden), relatively quick and decisive with their decisions.

In Ireland and the UK, the Unions have seen it as a chance to get a few more quid and complain. The authorities are dithering. It’s instructive into our national debates.


Any fucker who gets a flu for the next few years will be blaming someone else (government, employer, school etc) on the back of this.

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Funnily enough the team I’m on at work hasnt had one sick day since the start of February.

Definitely a record.


Yeah we had a few cos they brought in a rule where anyone who had the sniffles could take 2 weeks and not have it count on their record. Since then, not one day.

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We’re the same. Sick leaves practically zero.

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