Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You’d want to get them to take a few kid …

Most people have 20+ days annual leave to take - its getting that done will be more problematic id say.

Why is nobody taking sick days??
I haven’t taken one as long as I’ve been teaching before anybody asks

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Do you think it’s ok to take a sick day if you’re not sick?

Clearly no, my question is in relation to the posts that came before which suggested that there’s a unusually low amount being taken, I’m wondering why that is? Perhaps it’s very very obvious??

Excel jockeys can punch the numbers in easily from home, even when sick

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People being more sanitary can’t be hurting either

Serial mask abuser and cat fancier, the bould Prof Gerry Killeen was on the radio earlier talking about us all spending time in ICU with Covid over the next 4 or 5 years.

Gerry is either a visionary or has a few loose slates upstairs.


I genuinely reckon that is due to the airport being quiet in our case.

Less germs.

But also, less motivation to take a sick day if there’s a handy day ahead. Best saved until it gets busy.


He’s a bit mad

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He shouldn’t be given airtime if he is scaremongering like that.

Because they are at home scratching their holes anyways

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It doesn’t even make any sense for a start going by the numbers alone that need treatment when infected. I’m all for contrary voices but Prof Gerry doesn’t appear to be the full shilling.

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They shouldn’t give airtime to lads lecturing in bogus universities full stop.

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Its embarrassing for a college of UCC’s stature to have this fella airing his views.

RTE lap that shit up

It’s hard to go to the doctor for a sickie while you’re hiding under the bed.

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Is the first one free? Do you need a note for one day??

He said that there would be 60,000 dead by Christmas at the current rate of easing of lockdown and that we should be in lockdown for another 4 months. There will be plenty of people that will swallow his garbage and act accordingly. Of course the presenter didn’t ask him where he picked those figures from but most reasonable observers would suggest his arse might be the best bet.


No idea. You’d miss @Brimmer_Bradley at times like this