Coronavirus - Close the Airports

bodies piled 10 high in temporary morturays in gaa pitches, cunts like that should be strung up by the balls

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It will really start becoming an issue over the winter. Anyone with a cough or a snuffle won’t be let come near work or will be sent home the minute they arrive. Surely going to lead to a huge rise in sick leave

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Not only that but with the contact tracing any work colleagues who they were in proximity to will be forced to stay at home.

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Sweden was to be wiped off the planet several times over by now. Instead they’ll all be immune while the rest of us will be drinking our Christmas pints in a Perspex cube

  • Everybody has been hiding under the bed, so they are less likely to pick something up.

  • No sport, less injuries.

  • People have been avoiding hospitals, doctors, dentists etc (some dentists have been closed anyways I think) like, ahem, the plague. Look at the fella on here who had kidney stones the size of boulders before he went to see anyone about it.

And that’s just a quick summary of the genuine cases. WFH with a wicked hangover after a night on a selection of highly sessionable craft ales is grand; driving to work after a heavy evening on the porter in the pub can be more challenging.

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More progressive companies give you a set allowance and urge you to take them.

Are ye alright lads?

Dentist mainly closed due to the tools they use potentially spread droplets everywhere, that’s what mine told me when I had to go in, slight emergency. She was only able to work with manual tools and had no dental nurse until this week phase 2. She thought it was all ridiculous that they couldn’t get clear guidance. That was 2 weeks ago.

Sure no one will give guidance now in case someone, somewhere catches this thing and then blames them for it.

Yeah its interesting how out of tune him and the other 999 professors and academics seem to be. Sometimes you’d wonder do universities live in a parallel universe. How did he convince them that this incredibly conservative approach was workable or even for the common good. Was a societal cost benefit analysis done of being locked down until October conducted?
We are already lagging behind most of Europe in our easing of restrictions. Everyone should have their say but this fella seems to be getting a lot of airtime for largely unsubstantiated views. I have yet to see anyone really take him to task or challenge him.

At 60,000 people dead on an island of 5,000,000 that would see a crude mortality rate of 1.2%. We now know in reality that its much lower for people who have contracted the virus. In reality it probably lies somewhere between .3% - 1%. Everyone in the country would have to get the Coronavirus to even come close to that number.

Guests on the dance floor at weddings will be told to keep 2 metres apart under new post Covid-19 lockdown rules which will also see the end of mini-bars and self-service buffets in hotels.

Guests in spas should also be offered express “stress management” treatments instead of therapies that involve touch, while those using hotel pools may be asked to book time slots in advance.

For golfers, the space between tee times will be increased to 15-minute intervals. The guidelines also state that caddie service offered to guests must be suspended unless physical distancing can be adhered to.

Restaurateurs are being asked to verbally tell customers what is on the menu while there will be no more sharing plates.

Embellishments on drinks such as decorative cocktail umbrellas will have to be “minimised.” Tableside cooking should also be suspended if social distancing guidelines cannot be maintained.

For hotel weddings, canapés will have to be served individually and there will no more shared bowls of vegetables, gravy while condiments such as salt and pepper will be on request.

The new guidelines for hotels, restaurants, self-catering and caravan parks are being finalised by Fáilte Ireland, Government officials and industry bodies.

Below are the key changes for hotel weddings, spas, golf and restaurants. Further guidance for pubs intending to operate as restaurants is set to be published in the coming days.

The new recommendations are predicated on the current physical distancing guidance of 2 metres but public health officials are examining potentially reducing this to 1metre for the hospitality industry.

The plans have been criticised by those in the food and beverage sector with the chief executive of the Restaurants Association of Ireland Adrian Cummins saying under the current two metre guidelines around 90 per cent of restaurants will not be able to open on June 29th. If that was reduced to one metre Mr Cummins said that would enable 80 per cent of restaurants to open.

On Monday Minister for Health Simon Harris said the National Public Health Emergency Team was re-examining the appropriateness of the two metre social distancing requirement for the hospitality sector.


Guests will be asked to enter the property through doors that are automated or manually operated by an employee where possible. “Reception employees should encourage just one representative of each arriving group to approach the check-in desk while the others adhere to physical distancing measures.”

If guests use bell service, “ask them to place their luggage on the ground. The bell service can then commence, after which the bell cart can be cleaned and disinfected.”

The guidelines say that it will be the responsibility of supervisors and managers to ensure that guests do not congregate in groups.


Restaurants are going to be a lot more expensive to eat in based on what Liath and Aimsir are doing. Maybe they can get away with it but it’s a limited pool.

I genuinely can’t tell if that’s a pisstake or not. Cocktail umbrellas. :rofl:

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I’d say it’s serious.

Is that Norway as a whole or just one person saying that Tim? Becuase if Norway believed that lockdown was a cod why have they restrictions on people from a country that had no lockdown.

Mother of Christ.

If you look at it in terms of who this disease is seriously impacting and killing, then he has a point. 13.3% of the Irish population are over 65, so 60,000 is roughly 10% of that number. If everyone over 65 in Ireland contracted Covid-19, you could well see tens of thousands of deaths.

It’s instructive to compare Italy and Germany, the significant difference is that in Italy the virus spread early like wildfire through their older population and in Germany it didn’t. Before mitigation measures started to take effect (late March) 60% of cases in Italy were over 60, and they had a mortality rate of 9.5% (of confirmed cases). In Germany 80% of cases were less than 60, and their mortality rate was 0.4%.

I’d agree the overall mortality rate is low, the latest CDC number is 0.26% and it’s probably a good bit lower than that. But as you get up into the older age brackets, the mortality rate skyrockets. This crisis was always about protecting the old and sick.

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9 deaths

9 cases

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100% kill rate :worried:

Single figure new cases two days in a row. Hopefully continues.