Coronavirus - Close the Airports

What were the highest these reached?

The Norweigan Prime Minister. It is talking specifically about schools. She admitted to panicking.

This is the important point on the “lockdowns” - the costs aren’t all clear yet. Governments largely managed to avoid short term economic catastrophe but it isn’t clear on what the longer term health, educational etc. costs will be. See below on schools and the impact on vulnerable and disadvantaged children in particular.

The Norweigan PM, despite all the back slapping by the LIDTF crew, is not just basking in the glory. She is admitting mistakes. Much like the Swedes have admitted mistakes. Because they are natural in this - this is a seismic global event and goes beyond keeping score of deaths.

Remember when a few posters were deriding looking closer at the true FR. A few references to the flu and they went ape.

0.26% would be incredible. We would be talking about clocking up millions of real cases per day at some points if that’s the case.

Who are they testing at this point?

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I would like more precise details on the 9 new cases, ie where they did the contract the virus


All the lads who have come out from under their bed

It’s long over due…

I’d say they are testing each other to pass the time

They’ve no money left after the GAA charged them €110m to use PuiC

Well if Citywest can get €25m the GAH must be owed a fortune


Ok so they were only talking about one part of the lockdown. Thanks for clarifying.

Yep, learn follow a thread of conversation.

Your words were Norway said lockdown was a waste of time. That’s not what they actually said as you have kindly clarified.

Exactly. They can throw out these numbers for as long as it suits themselves.
I want to know who, where and when about these deaths and new cases.
They need to be completely transparent on this matter. The public must feel complete confidence in the authorities.

Nope - read what I quoted and the thread of conversation, not that difficult.

There should be time and money spent on upskilling children and teachers on online learning when they go back. in a formalised way across the country. There’s so much potential in it that’s not being used or only being used by very few. It would huge benefits beyond the fact of helping if something similar to this ever happened again.

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Yes. We are seriously down into case numbers even the HSE could track and trace

Stress management how will that work in one of “them” thai massage parlour?

:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: