Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Parents would need to get on board as well, there’s plenty of homes where there isn’t a device larger than a mobile phone and the parents are utterly clueless on technology, through no fault of their own but it’s challenge, and another source of inequality

There’s a job of work to be done there alright,

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@Julio_Geordio, sleep easy friend

Covid-19: Gardaí lose enforcement powers over movement restrictions

Gardaí no longer have the power to enforce the movement restrictions laid out in the emergency coronavirus legislation introduced by the Government.

As of yesterday, people can travel anywhere within their own county or for up to 20km outside it, up from a previous radius of 5km.

However, unlike previous versions of the regulations, the latest provisions do not mention a criminal penalty for breaching the movement restrictions. This means gardaí can no longer arrest or prosecute anyone moving outside the radius. The move to revoke one of the most draconian Garda powers in living memory was made on Sunday with no announcement or publicity.

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Victory for Gemma and Julio :fist:

They did some service in the states time of need. It’s done. Time to rebuild and recover.

We did it.

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I see Paddy Cosgrave finally apologised for his lies about the dead nurses

He selected a handful of countries that Ireland would look great against :rofl:

What did he say about dead nurses?


The nursing home figures

He announced on twitter that he had been told by doctors and nurses that 4 nurses had died in a day. Banged on about it for weeks and how there was a cover up etc. The INMO and few others came out and said not true. The Paddy acolytes on here wouldn’t have it that he was bullshitting

Turns out anyway that he had been given the bit of gossip by a tech pal of his. And ran with it. His pal tweeted an apology the other day for giving Paddy dud info so Paddy had to apologise as well

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Is there anything to be said for another mass Ted?

Fair play to him. Takes a big man to admit he was given the wrong info.

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You’d want to be a fair gombeen to be paying any attention to Cosgrave.


“In our Geographical region”. What does this even mean? UN have classified us as northern Europe which includes all the Scandinavian countries too. This fella has spent last 2 months trying to manufacture a stat to fool people into thinking Ireland have performed better.

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No cases of Covid in the IPS.

Charlie Flanagan should be running the country.


He seems to be a right weirdo.

I always agree with the last argument I heard so at the moment I’m thinking ireland did well. What countries did he include in his stats and who could he have included that would have made it look worse?

How many lads in prison were let out to be tested?