Coronavirus - Close the Airports

He clearly should have reached out to @South_Limerick_Refer for PR advice on handling such an issue.

Open the prisons up ta fuck



It’s being opened up to fuck, ignore this fella

Bit disappointed that wasn’t limerick hurler TJ Ryan

We’ve got a ticket to ride

Off to Limerick this weekend.

5 deaths

19 cases

Oh. Wonder what would constitute a ‘spike’ in cases?

122% increase in cases since yesterday :scream:

It’s done lads. Move on.

Not even much talk of it on the news this evening. Prof Gerry Killeen will be seething.

Hold the line lads…

Denmark says easing lockdown has not caused increase in Covid-19 infections


Denmark, the first country in Europe to relax its coronavirus lockdown said on Wednesday that the spread of Covid-19 has not accelerated since it eased restrictions and began the second phase of reopening society last month.

“The level of contagion in society is still very low,” the Danish health authority said in a report in Wednesday, according to Reuters news agency.

It added that the number of confirmed new infections had continued to fall despite more tests being carried out.

In April Denmark became the first country to reopen its schools and daycare centres and the following month bars and restaurants and shopping centres were allowed to resume business.

“There is no sign yet of noticeable changes in the extent of contagion despite the gradual reopening of society in April and early May,” the report said.

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Grand for all these Professors and Scientist petitioning to lockdown and Suppress the virus. Their jobs or livelihoods are not being affected.


It’s just a big experiment to them.


Up for 3 months ago no cunt knew what an immunologist or virologist was .

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In the case of Neil Ferguson, you’d wonder did he even believe the projections he was making.

An awful pessimistic cunt at best.

Sure they don’t care. Happy out under the bed, preaching to others to hold firm

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Itll be alright in the end. If it’s not alright, it’s not the end