Coronavirus - Close the Airports

He advocates Layving It In Ta Fuck, not Locking It Down Ta Fuck.

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Keep it simple. No short puck outs, no sweepers.

Sweepers are for lads who stay 2m away from their man.

Ivan is single-handledly opening up the country.

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The country is opening mate

Ivan v Tomas Ryan. The ultimate OIUTF v LIDTF main event.

Yeats destroying some poor cunt here, you can actually see the lad dying a little on the inside

Ivan was on top form tonight

This lad can barely hold back the tears

Ivan’s parting quip did not go down too well with Tomas.


Yatesy was meant to retire this summer.

Please God he keeps going.

That was fucking beautiful :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: Some quality meme material there

The greatest Taoiseach we never had

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Ivan v Prof Gerry Killeen is PPV worthy.

A great guy, pulls no punches

He’s seen and done it all.

That poor scrawny Trinity cunt there who was eyeing up a post lockdown cushy media gig for himself will be having second thoughts now, bless. Ivan has done the state some service

Ivan Ivan Ivan

Lads are so bought in to the OIUTF shtick they actually don’t know it’s opening

The LIUTF4EVA mob are after Yatesy on twitter :smile: