Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Cheers but if I’m looking for health advice I usually go to an expert rather than cranks on the internet. :grinning: :grinning:

People die every day. Listen, we know you’ve been very divil may care about the threat of this in the past, and perhaps you’re trying to ease a guilty conscience, but its time to get living now. The govt and the HSE have laid down the guidelines for now, following the ones from the past will only do more harm than good.

I love you bro.

You’ve used this line more than once here in recent weeks. Put some meat on the bones there for us and explain what it is you mean, like a good chap.


My post was too Elvis mate.

I thought it was just the right amount of Elvis


It’s an Orwellian reference from his acclaimed novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Have a read of it like a good chap.

I read that book a couple of times about 40 years ago. I must read it again. The thought police are at peak these days. Well done elvis keep up the good work. You’re a good lad.

II have a prooblem with the o and the ii key on the computer keyboard.

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Somtiimes it works and other tiimes it doubles itself. It’s a nuisance.

Good job don’t have to type zoologist to often

lool, :laughing: When Ii type anythiing iit takes moore time to go back and coorrect it. i have let this one go just as an example. Soometimes iit’s ok and sometiimes it’s a blank. i ned a new computer.

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My life partner had a hospital appointment today and, aside from a couple of healthcare workers, ne’er a sinner was wearing a face mask. Receptionists, front desk staff, porters, maintenance types, admin types, people with appointments etc.

I haven’t put my eggs in any basket, Sweden has done just as poor a job protecting the elderly as most other countries, no worse or no better than the UK, Ireland, US, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, France, Spain, etc. I have said consistently since January that this disease was deadly to the elderly and that’s where the focus should have been.

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Facemasks just aren’t in our mentality as a country.

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You wouldn’t get inside the door of a hospital here without an appointment, a facemask, an interview and a temperature check.

I guess so. It just struck me as odd that Holohan, Harris et al are still pushing for people to wear them. You’d think a hospital setting would be on message.

If one case was able to spread to thousands initially why havent a few hundred cases spread like wildfire in the countries that have opened up in the past month? The virus was already dying pre lockdown.

If it comes back next year we’ll just have a two week lockdown around Paddys Day and go on again. It can replace Easter as the holiday period.


Fair point but there’s also the issue of people being a lot more careful now. There’s a spike in new cases in several US states, but it’s no surprise given the thousands out partying over the Memorial day weekend and the hundreds of thousands out marching for George Floyd. One thing is clear though, young people are done with the lockdown.

The countries that implemented a successful initial lockdown, like Norway, Denmark and New Zealand don’t seem to be having any significant rise in cases since opening up. US and Iran are seeing a big spike in numbers. Spanish numbers rising too.