Coronavirus - Close the Airports

“I often describe myself as the guy at the front of the boat ringing the bell and shouting: ‘Iceberg!’. Covid isn’t my first iceberg. I have kind of a track record of calling icebergs,” he says.


Sounds like the boy who cried wolf

5 deaths 46 new cases although 22 of those cases seem to have been delayed cases.


5 people have been brought back to life as well it seems

Some fucking wishy washy explanation there. Some one forgot to report basically

No doubt it’s another public servant on full pay working too hard.

They are always careful to say "in the majority of cases "

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That chap was really milking it.

One of my former neighbours🤦‍♂️

Was he one of the troublesome family?

No another crowd

Why is everybody wanting this to end?

This has been the best three months of my ‘working life’. I’ve worked at about 30% of the norm and got away with it cos the world has stopped, although I know it won’t last.

While trying to ‘work from home‘ with a 5 year old, 3 year old and 1 year old, and a wife who thinks I’m on holiday or Paternity leave was a bit mad, and occasionally a tad stressful because I wouldnt do a thing during some days and then freak and work from 9pm to 3/4am to catch up. 10 nights maybe over the lockdown.

Well worth it to play with the kids all day, bbq’s with the weather being great, a midweek glass of wine at 5pm in the garden sunshine, no where to go, no rushing around, no diary. Learning to cook mad stuff without potatoes like curry, chilli, etc
This Covid/Work situation is going to end but why push for it???

People must hate their kids or wife or life if they’re desperate to get back in the rat race and push for the government to open everything so they can get back to the routine of early mornings, traffic, smart casual clothes or spicy chicken lunches!!

Christ they can’t miss the work colleagues toilet etiquette or the water cooler conversation that much???

In London years ago we always joked about the difference between the Irish and English in the office on a Monday morning.

The English would be in early, fresh after a bath and an early night on Sunday with a crisp shirt ironed and polished shoes.

The Irish lad would walk in wearing the same suit he left on Friday, Guinness and curry stains all down his shirt and tie, and him dying from the weekend. Who knows where he would have stayed.

Life is too short for baths on Sunday getting ready for work on Monday.

Life at home for weeks/months and spending time with kids and loved ones is a chance some of us will never ever get again.

The economy will turn around and soon Covid will be forgotten and we will be back to normal and the rat race will be back…most working for the man…

After a few short months, are people that mad or institutionalised to want to get back to that already??? We have a few weeks yet…relax.

With inspiration taken from Leo’s speech writers I say; that dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade any of the days at home, from the 13th March to the original phase 5,10th August, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell your family while you enjoyed a bit of the lockdown with them, you couldn’t wait to alarm the clock, get up early, fuck off back to work for the man, get a haircut, a pint and shout at cunts in rush hour traffic on the way home rather than spend the day with them???

Get back under the bed, We’ll be a long time working…


Post of the year!

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Dead right mate. Great been off, full pay, no commute, doing very little work. I love it anyway.

Cracking post. But if you’ve spent 12 of the last 24 months like myself it can get a tad tedious

Personal posting?

:clap: :clap: