Coronavirus - Close the Airports


Leave him off ta fuck, didn’t a member of his family do us a solid in Genoa all them years ago.

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Yerra we need to get back rocking and rolling soon.

Son of the great Marius?

It’s done @Thomas_Brady

I’m never washing my hands again.


I told ye I had it in February

I love how every evening they announce the daily stats prefaced by the words “the Department of Health has been notified of…”

A lovely little subtle disclaimer that the number of deaths and cases has nothing to do with them. The nursing home deaths, clusters around the country - nah, nothing to do with us.

We’re only “notified” of cases, it’s not our responsibility.

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That annoys you? People dying etc and that gets you?

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Get back under the bed, you drug addled fool.


By God, that’s the level of reply from a halfwit alright.

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I think you’re stretching a bit here for this one.

Cork crowd will be delighted to have got it first

Zero deaths

18 cases


C’maaaan !!!

A lovely parting gift from Simon and Leo

The Micky Martin effect

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Can I book my tickets lads?
When is the first round of the hurling championship?


Dr Tony’s work is done

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18 cases… Hold the line.