Coronavirus - Close the Airports

There’s only no deaths reported cause the micks were drinking all weekend


Double up Tuesday.

Yerrah, jaysus, did you see all the forms?
Fuck um, they’ll keep till Tuesday. This fella isnt going anywhere :pint:

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I can see clearly now
The rain has gone.

No admissions to ICU since 9th June. Burning out faster than a shoe shop in Minneapolis


@carryharry @glenshane can come out now


Crosshaven was splendid today. Nice crowd, not packed.

The boobs on display truly wonderful.

Us essential workers have had the place to ourselves for months. It’s been great. Hopefully there’ll be a root and branch review of townies and whether or not they really need to be cluttering up roads, airports etc.


What’s the issue with keeping public toilets closed?

I’m not too sure about the likes of Munster but you usually keep your distance in a public toilet and you have facilities to wash your hands. Seems a bit mad that they are opening everything else but keeping the toilets closed.

Two new cases in New Zealand. Found in two women who had travelled back from the UK to visit a dying parent, so it’s safe to say the UK is still riddled with it.


Keep washing those hands and stopping pawing your faces you filthy fucks.

A couple of little spikes around the continent in Norway and Greece; Sweden, Poland, Portugal holding steady/slowly rising.

Time to move on now lads

Any breakthrough from the scientists?

Of course not.

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Looking forward to your view on the cases in NZ

Sure when New Zealand opens up the country are they not back to square one?

No idea. Based on a small sample size anyway two cases from people travelling from the UK is not great. We should wait for the NZ correspondent @mikehunt though. I wouldn’t be an expert by any means



Thanks science.