Coronavirus - Close the Airports

hardly anyone living there and they still can’t control it

Thank’s, Science.

Nobody is disappointed to see them get a few cases after their smug, self-congratulatory tone over the past few weeks.


Let the backlash begin.

That Jacinta Aherne lovers herself


NZ have beaten the virus lads. They are in the clear.

They just have to stay under the bed for the next five years.

As soon as they open the borders they’re fucked. Even the bed won’t save them

Ha, ha, stupid island nation, heavily dependent on tourism and foreign investment. They are fucked .


We’re all immune and getting immune Europeans coming. They’ll be like the Aztecs seeing Correz’s boats on the horizon


Great work by Arden and NZ again. Nipped it in the bud again. It’s a shame there are so many blood thirsty psychopaths hoping they fail.


3 deaths

14 cases

The Sunday Business Post had an article about where Ireland ranks in terms of excess deaths, and we’re apparently mid table. Does anyone have a subscription and is willing to support the SBP and journalism in general by copying and pasting it here?

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Big tone was saying we had no excess deaths at all in May. OIU… etc etc

It was said that while an average of 90 people die a day anyway in Ireland, this was up around 120/130 per day for a number of days during April.

But it’s been back down to normal for the past 6 or 7 weeks now.

Hold the line. Stay under the bed.


90 averaged throughout the year or for March / April each year?

90 a day over the year.

Rises up to almost 100 in winter and falls to the low 80s in summer

The Chinese winding up their next big offensive against the West here.