Coronavirus - Close the Airports

they made a good start with the pubs, keep them closed to fuck, the amount of damage drink has caused Ireland is scandalous.


Those lads are worse without it. Ale quitens them a bit.

Was in ALDI this morning at 9am ish , very quiet and fully stocked.
Overheard 2 members of management how they were all revising and stacking shifts for staff to start at 10.30 weekdays and 12.30 Sundays, skeleton staff in the time before that.

I don’t agree with you there pal. Maybe with two or three pints.

Why are people referencing crowds at gaa games? Surely the players and management won’t be able to play while keeping up social distancing? While there is any form of social distancing at all in place surely voluntary amateur team sport will be one of the very last things to restart.

The first run was on slabs of cans not toilet paper

Most Supermarkets have adjusted rosters to have as little on the floor during the day as possible. Bigger stores will be using night packs

Have they thought of making up a new compromise rules game along the lines of netball, with defined zones, or maybe a sort of Subutteo type game where each player just stands there and the manager flicks them?

The lads I heard talking were directly referencing the times around availability of alcohol.

I would say voluntary, amateur and professional team sport would all be good to go at exactly the same time, whenever that may be

Social Distancing won’t work outside of the current extreme measures.

Would allowing under 35s back to work be the first step and see how it goes? Build up immunity that way?

Obviously under 35s would have to isolate from their elders but so be it.

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You’d be able to do most jobs while social distancing. Bar porn star and dentist.

The Czechs have had enough of this inhumane lockdown

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The GAA should look for their own Florida, maybe the geographic equivalent in Ireland of Wexford.

Lordy that would have been an enjoyable read had it been a satirical piece, you can only assume their serious.
I had never heard the phrase BAME before, Black , Asian and Minority Ethnics. Those bloody poor people could be contributing too.

What does stand out by its omission is that the UK recorded its first case on the 31st of Jan. and didn’t implement mitigation action until the 7 week mark in the 3rd week of March .
Leo and Co. implemented the same action after 2 weeks.

That’s a nice structured plan

Cork might win the AI if social distancing rules apply.


Have the gga a handy 18 and a half mil lying around to donate to the Florida GOP?

Off Licences being open at the moment is scandalous.

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