Coronavirus - Close the Airports

This is a more optimistic take on treatments/vaccines that could emerge in time.

A less optimistic take from a place with some of the worst political leadership in the world.

Woah now, lets not get carried away here.

Who the fuck is financing those 2 cunts?

Breaking: 38 more deaths due to Covid-19 confirmed, bringing Ireland’s total to 444 overall. 1,068 new cases (657 from Irish labs, 411 from Germany) bringing total confirmed cases to 12,547

ICU’s down by 2 since yesterday I think.

245 deaths of the 444 have been in Nursing Homes.

That doesn’t make sense after they said it was 187 from nursing homes yesterday.

What’s shocking about this is that those advocating the herd immunity approach were arguing to protect the vulnerable, while letting the general population get infected and develop immunity. Regardless of how wrong they were, as it turns out the reality is the most vulnerable were the ones least protected.

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There are still people, albeit very few, arriving in Dublin airport for holidays/visits

1,438 deaths in France today :cry:

Did Italy ever hit that number in a day?

Repose en Paix

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I think that’s a new daily record for Europe.


So if Ireland were calculating their figures like many other countries and not counting nursing home deaths they would still be under 200. Averaging about 7 deaths a day from people not in nursing homes since the schools closed.

its madness, thousands coming into Rosslare and Dublin every day too, what is Varadkar at?

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Where are they coming from? Have they heard of this auld Covid thing?