Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Places with worse covid. Like the fucking dubs going down the country for the lockdown, infecting all the roorals.

London mainly. Very few continental flights left

Jaysus. Sure London is riddled. I’d recommend a shoot on sight policy.

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thats disgraceful, where are these fuckers staying?

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In a bed id imagine mate.

The hotels and air bnbs that are putting them up need to be closed down. I can’t get my head around it. Why are people allowed to take holidays in Ireland right now

Irish nationals returning or tourists? If they paid for their tickets I presume legally they can’t be asked to turn back?

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Eu citizens so hands are tied

put them in jail for 14 days

Are you on cans or bottles tonight?

Sure we’re leaving lads out of jail

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After all that play acting over people’s lives

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A flight from Dublin to Cologne and the Coast Guard Helicopter.

All those Red Eye cunts & @Fran can rethink their needless Air Travel in future.


Ciarán Mullooly with a sobering report on the news there.

8/26 residents died at the weekend.

Was it only 26 residents? I thought he mentioned 70 remaining.

I thought he said 9 deaths in total, 8 from Covid-19, and 17 residents remaining. Maybe he said 70 rather than 17?

Stark ( maybe it was well known ) news I’m getting is that Nursing Homes seem to be generally full with residents but very weak on staffing levels?

There is going to be some fallout from this but I don’t see much news in the media of people being taken out of Nursing Homes in big numbers either.

I wouldn’t sleep at night if I had a parent in one at the moment.

Did a charity thing in a nursing home once. A fair depressing place. I’d rather my children euthanized me than paid huge money to put me in one.