Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Said on news there that nurses from public hospitals had been redeployed into some nursing homes they were so short staffed.

Staffing always an issue in nursing homes with huge reliance on agency nurses. HSE have taken lot of these agency nurses now though

Paying for actual home care going forward is going to be better looked at.
I’d assume the Nursing Home isn’t much cheaper.

They are terrible places at times but I’ve had relations get respite in them from time to time and most residents in general are happy out.

I suppose it all depends on how physically independent you still are. It’s all just way too depressing. It’s no way to be leaving this earth.

A huge difference between us and the generation currently in nursing homes is if we’re still mentally sound well have the phones.,books, box sets and broad sporting interests to keep us occupied. Most older lads of that generation would watch fuck all TV, read very little etc. They didn’t waste all their free time like we do but it’ll stand to us in the end.


Not ideal for all.

There are nice nursing homes. They need to become more like proper retirement villages though with more independent living options and also improved on site care. The elderly should not have to be brought into A&Es to be hooked up to drips for normal sickness.

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We truly are the Greatest Generation

Nursing homes moved from being retirement homes to end of life care homes progressively over the past two decades. An ongoing decline in the average stay (I know, I know about averages but bear with me) is accepted as falling significantly in that period. There are arguments about the number that would be worthy of TFK but take it as being from three-five years to now being less than 18 months. This reflects the entry point - it was once from the OAPs own home but has transitioned to being stepdown from a hospital bed. The typical entrant is now ill whereas previously they were more likely to be in need of daily care. This reflects an improved standard of personal care in later life at home and awareness of the implications of the fair deal scheme for assets.

Anyone else here who has worked / is working in the sector?

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I’ve a good knowledge of the finances of them.

Same here.

The Transitional Care Ward in Vincents (recently closed) was a very depressing place. You would have individuals there for prolonged periods of time waiting for their family to pick a place, get the Fair Deal in order and then wait for a RIP so they could move in.

All of these things reduce the quality of life for these people. I’ve seen myself the decline in some people’s spirit while there.

This is what would concern me about the longer term impact of shutting families out from nursing homes. I know it is necessary for a period and it is not an easy decision to make, but there will be some very lonely older people in those places right now.


It’s Celtic Vs rangers mate. Nothing else matters

A 6+ week wait for the fair deal approval is hard going.

There’s the transitional funding in fairness.

There is but getting any more than 2 weeks takes a big fight or a sympathetic medic

There is a chance, however small, that your kids may not wish to have you killed.

The University of Washington were just a bit out.

Not that they aren’t out, but given the differences in Corona death definitions, it seems very difficult to actually get this anyway right.

Two healthcare workers from St Lukes Kilkenny confirmed to have passed away from Covid 19, god rest them.

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GOD championing the constitution

Tragic. We need to do better for Health Care Workers and those in nursing homes

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