Coronavirus - Close the Airports

One of them from Ballyragget

Two people who devoted their lives to saving the lives of others are dead while two people who have devoted their lives to ruining the lives of others remain alive.

There isn’t much justice in the world.

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What sort of age?

Yer man with the plastic bag on his head ain’t happy

Do people have to pay to listen to his podcasts?

I don’t think they could ever attract enough sponsors.

Over 6k patrons though, surely that gets them by?

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30k a month?? What’s the deal here how much of that would blindboy be seeing?
I see the second captains lads have 12k patrons

Not sure what tiers they have there.

They don’t seem to have bothered to post much exclusive content there.

I have sympathy for the arts sector (though not like Una Mullally who told everyone work was a buzzkill when businesses were closing down until she realised it was hitting her artist friends), but surely their form of entertainment is relatively unscathed. They don’t rely on sports or entertainment specifically for their pods and talk shite about everything and anything & they can record anywhere.

Imagine paying to listen to his faux ‘philosophical’ musings :smiley:

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Blind boy records many of his podcasts live. Its 30quid to see him do his podcast in vicar st. (If that doesn’t ‘wake’ you, I don’t know what would). Anyway, I’m sure he’s entitled to say he’s financially devastated missing out on that income.

Is he any good?!

I read the piece and he talked about some debt to do with his tour being cancelled. I can understand the frustration there but that’s abroad and blaming the Irish government is a bit much.

All in all, he’s hardly the worst impacted artist out there. 6k Patreon subs and there’s barely any exclusive content. Flick the switch over, he has the audience. It’s the people who play pubs and events that I feel most sorry for.


Also interesting

Don’t go to Boston, and be homeless ok

Not in my opinion, but he’s obviously got something if he’s selling out many live venues.

I’m not sure if this has been posted before but this is an interesting read, positing this thing could have originated in the Wuhan lab (previously widely dismissed as a conspiracy theory,) which would therefore mean there was a coverup

What government response? The scheme with Facebook? It’s fairly disgraceful. The arts will as always be the last thing to be looked at/helped. FG have never had any time for it and never will. Despite being massive business it’s not considered worthwhile in any way.

What should the Govt do in his situation where his gigs abroad were cancelled?

It’s been reported for a few months on fringe sites like Epoch Times and Zero Hedge as an accidental infection at one of two Wuhan labs that study bat coronaviruses. The Washington Post are the first major publication to reveal that the US Embassy sent scientists to Wuham in 2018 and warned Washington of lax safety standards and the potential for an outbreak.

The “conspiracy theory” version is that a female worker in the lab got infected and brought it to the outside world. I think that might be a leap based on the fact she disappeared off the lab website for no apparent reason. There is plenty circumstantial evidence though, the fact the labs are in Wuhan where the outbreak started, the fact the bats that carry these viruses are not native to the region, nor are bats eaten in the region, the fact the genome of SAR-2 is 96% the same as SARS-1 so it’s likely to be one being studied.

I don’t care about his situation, (although if we can repatriate lads from Chile I don’t see why we couldn’t send him out there?) I do care about the blatant unfairness of the Facebook scheme in conjunction with the department of arts, heritage etc.