Coronavirus - Close the Airports


Give the man attention/money, obviously

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That Blindboy chap is an absolute scumbag. An unfunny, dim wanker with an awful opinion of himself and it now seems as if he’s reprehensibly greedy to go along with it. I’ve never listened to any of his podcasts and all his 6k listeners should be sectioned.


They’re more than just listeners. They’re paying him a few euro a month.

Any infections in Kilmallock nursing home?

I’d like to swap sectioned for executed.


Age profiles of the deceased?

I bet the people who pay for his podcast are slightly overweight chaps in their 20s with trimmed beards and wear tight fitting clothes who are very active on Twitter.


More than likely Masters/Phd/Arts student types

I’d say he pulls in about 30k a month on Patreon.

Sinn Fein types

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St Fintans is a grim place. I’d take death over it any day of the week.



Have the Suisse got it under control now? They were looking quite bad there for a while.

Another reason to head to Dingle

Looks like no cases in Drom yet :ronnyroar:

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And tournafulla / mountcollins