Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’d need more compelling reasons than that to head to Mountcollins :joy:

Although if the bar was open I could probably be persuaded

NFL fans

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Sam says we can go golfing and eat out doors in restaurants cc @Bandage

Rugby types

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10 Flights scheduled to arrive in DUB today.

2 to arrive in Cork.

Nothing in or out of Shannon.

Thats a fair chunk of West Limerick with no case.

Imagine rocking into Ireland for a holiday and being forced to spend two weeks in some hellhole like the Red Cow.

Hard to believe there was people on here trying to argue in favour of virtual sports.

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Sam mentions this in his interview. There is no statistically significant increase in deaths so far this year in Ireland. Now data won’t take into account our full spike this week so far, but that’s encouraging.

You can see the places that have been ravaged. Pity it doesn’t cover more countries



The north faring very well


Ulster says no (testing)

Still a bit of freight traffic out of Shannon that won’t show up on the schedules.

Two evenings recently, at around 9PM a very loud aircraft has taken off from Shannon (I could hear it on the runway), and stayed at a low altitude passing over my place. From what I could see on FlightRadar on both occasions it has headed down the west coast of Africa, I don’t know where it eventually ended up though.

It’s geographical.

Even with basket case loyalists and a crowd of Eton fuckwits in Westminister, it’s our location as a small island on the most westerly point of Europe that is the saving grace, I think policy makers on both sides of the border have not managed this well but the geographical and timing advantages have stopped it from being a disaster like it has in other countries.

Stupid boy.

Absolutely insane that they are plane loads arriving in Dublin. What hotels are putting these bastards up?

Why would you want more countries to be ravaged?

You despicable, evil, heartless bastard.


There’s only a handful on each flight. It’s mostly residents.

Polish lad yesterday going to Cavan to visit his brother alright. Could see no issue whatsoever with it

I was talking to someone yesterday who works in the airport he said bus loads of tourists are still arriving from the states. Heading off round connemara and the ring of kerry etc. He said these would be mostly trump supporter types who seemed not to give a shit. We’re fucked