Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Some people just want to watch the world burn

Dúirt bean liom mar dhea

@Batigol can you confirm or deny

The music selection as we queue here in Dunnes is inspired. Currently playing Rio which is perfect for the rays of sun streaming in

Horseshit I’m afraid

I thought as much. Not even yanks are that thick, they are too xenophobic to travel abroad in a crisis

We’ve had handfuls of them arriving from Europe recently on “holidays” but it’s been single people or couples.

Every American passport I’ve seen coming from America over the past fortnight has belonged to a irish person, returning home

There is no charge to listen to anything Blindboy puts out,
He done me a solid one time but I’m not going to argue about it, just clearing up the falsehoods

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Calling someone xenophobic while being xenophobic

A big crowd of young people back from Dubai/Abu Dhabi in recent days.

They should have been left stick it out over there.

A lot of people still don’t understand this stuff. Sadly one of those people is Donald Trump.


They are mostly Trump supporters in West Clare anyway? And Kerry too, I’d say, depending on what way the wind blows.

It’s reassuring at this time that the leader of the free world has a doctorate in quantum chemistry.

Lots of Irish people abroad will have lost their jobs due to this and likely will not have access to the social security insurance that they’ve paid into.

Yes but they should have been made stay in hotels beside the airport for 14 days when they landed. Not given a sheet of paper advising on self isolating.

They are walking the streets for the last few days.

We’re not allowed move farther than 2km yet any Tom, Dick or Harry can waltz in to the country riddled with the disease and go anywhere they like with no questions asked.

It’s far easier to do what Signapore have done and bring in fines for it.

Is there much difference to the general populace outside of last weekend where AGS had additional powers?

Like what we should have done to the cheltenham crowd?

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Are you 100% certain? Brendan on Facebook and Sean on Twitter said the airports and ports are heaving with cunts coming in to the country on Holidays