Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The sort of lads who’d call into Mammy in their 40s and drink the milk out of the carton


I like big butts and I cannot lie

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Rotten bastards

The state of Sharon here.

George Lee while trying to be optimistic says people are still “dropping like flies”

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I wonder did the headcase doctor from new York make it back?

What was the deaths number today, lads?

43 mate. Unfortunately

Couldn’t believe the crassness of that comment.

I was seething.


They are playing from same playbook. We’ll have them here by mid May

O’Neill’s are already manufacturing PPE in their Strabane HQ so they should be well able to make bespoke face masks in the county colours to be distributed around the country.

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Ive seen a few kildare ones around already


Who’s going to take the blame for the nursing home deaths. We saw them been decimated in italy weeks ago and the virus still managed to get in and kill most residents . Harris has to fall on his sword

How many extra deaths a day in Ireland. On average 90 or so people die a day. Are the numbers showing a corresponding increase based on Covid 19 deaths

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Professor Philip Nolan has said that there was a marked change in the Covid-19 growth rate in Ireland, and there was also a slowdown in hospital admissions.

Since 3 April, the growth rate in new cases has been close to zero so there was very little growth in the community. This includes backdated German cases.

Prof Nolan told the daily briefing at the Department of Health that there was an optimistic message that the disease had been suppressed or controlled, but there was a danger of more growth if restrictions are relaxed.

Without restrictions, there could have been 120,000 cases this week and 7,800 today, the briefing was told.

As noted here previously, the daily average of postings to was rising rapidly up to last Wednesday. Over the Easter weekend this increase stopped though obviously the level remains elevated.

— Seamus Coffey (@seamuscoffey) April 14, 2020
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There was a bit too much back slapping on the news i thought. What would the deaths be if they introduced restrictions a few weeks early? I get they are trying to show people that the measures make a difference but theyd want to watch their tone. Also Leo’s slow, overly paused, style of speech, sounds terribly fake or insincere

He’s a fucking disgrace

That could be because Leo is fake and insincere.