Coronavirus - Close the Airports

He is.

No i don’t agree with you, yes him ‘returning to work’ is a gimmick but he sincerely wants to help people. He’s just believing his own hype about public speaking

It’s a balance. The measures had to be introduced at the right time to be effective. Sure you have lads going buck ape now to be allowed back into pubs. You can only lockdown the place for so long. Do it too early and it misses the target.

I disagree. He sincerely wants to help rich people. He has no understanding or interest in poor or less well off people.

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Fair play Backie. Let’s remember this. I don’t particularly like this fella myself, having sat through him live at a couple of electric picnics (don’t ask), and when I gave his podcast a listen it was excruciating shite, but I honestly believe his heart is in the right place while trying to make his few quid. Not like some of the other ental health/depression bandwagonners.


Middle class people aren’t ‘rich people’ he wants to help taxpayers more, that’s his and FGs ethos. He doesn’t want to machine gun skangers or anything. He just believes everyone should do their best to contribute to society and improve themselves. Which is the equivalent of Obama actually, politically. Im not comparing them otherwise.

Stay away

There was another comment on the News At One on radio on one of the days there in the last week which I found very crass - gravely ill people were referred to as “hopeless cases” by one of the presenters - I think it was Dr. Gavin Jennings.

Is that why he made all the private hospitals public?

You made a booby with your spelling there.

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We are paying the Private Hospitals 115 million per month for the privilege. 4.5 times what the British Government are paying them. So I suppose ‘yes’ is the answer to your question


The oul lad says he’s not too bothered about the coronavirus- because the average age of the victims is 81 and he’s 86.


This is nonsense. It deliberately portrays the public as a feral, out of control rabble. Public health experts are unanimous that the earlier restrictions are brought in, the lower the death toll. The key is in clear, unambiguous communication from the government and other official sources of what is at stake.

That goes against your point if anything. Leo is so concerned about poor people he’s paying way over the odds

I didn’t realise the virus only killed poor people. Informative rating.

Who said that? Poor people are less likely to have private health insurance so opening up the private hospitals is a very good move for them

Both of ye are right and wrong here. The experts say that if you are able to do it early then do it as early as possible. However if for some reason you have to delay it or put a specific timeframe on restrictions then you should leave it as close to the peak as possible in order to gain full effect.

Opening them up was his only option. It looks like we are paying over the odds for them though

Lookit, it says on the Galway thread that Ireland has way more cases per head of population than the UK. This is despite Galway lowering the average of the dirty bastards elsewhere. I’m hence saying tnh

Would you prefer if he was playing hardball with them?