Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’ll listen to the lad with the public health qualification earned at university rather than Sid who earned one googling in March when the virus hit America


4.5 times what the Tories are paying seems like a poor deal. Almost as bad as the Children’s hospital deal but not quite. Hardball me hole

What are you comparing here?

You mentioned above the British Government are paying the NHS for the use of these hospitals. Is that correct?

@TheUlteriorMotive seems very, very peeved indeed at being called out. Behavioural science is not a core competency of public health officials. Public health officials such as the CMO do not exist in a vacuum. Their decisions have to take politics into account.

In the week you lose prevaricating over whether to implement restrictions or not, you push up the amount of cases and the amount of deaths, and extend the amount of time those restrictions have to remain in place. Those are the bare public health facts.

This debate was had on this forum five or six weeks ago. What I argued for was proven completely correct and the side @TheUlteriorMotive argued for was proven completely wrong.

And that’s the bare fact, which really pisses him off.

I should of said the british Private hospitals

The opportunity for a strict lockdown was lost early. If the threat had been understood well enough in early February a two to four week strict lockdown and complete ban on travel into the country except to repatriate and quarantine Irish citizens would have worked, and a lot fewer would have died. As it was the virus spread freely until the first measures were implemented in mid March. At that point most of the people who have died so far were already infected.

The early lockdown would also have allowed planning for social distancing rules when the strict lockdown was lifted, and that would have greatly reduced transmission going forward.


We are paying private hospitals 4.5 times what the NHS are paying the British Private Hospitals for use of these hospital during the pandemic.

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Can you get us a per bed cost?

On what metric?

We are paying 44k per bed. The NHS are paying 10k per bed. Leo confirmed it during Dail questions today. I think he might have quoted Churchill again too.

So the UK government are paying just over 300 quid per day for a bed? Who are paying the salaries?

Does DOB still have a major share in the Beacon?

From this thread

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I don’t know. Leo didn’t seem too keen in expanding on the topic

Stranger things have happened.

Well I’d like you to do a logic test. Engage your brain.

Do you think it costs just 300 odd to staff a bed in the UK?

It costs over 800 a day for a VHI customer to be in a public bed in Ireland, for example.

Are you saying our public sector health workers are grossly overpaid?


Surely in a pandemic for the sake of a few hundred million which is nothing in the grand scheme of things the quicker you can get things set up the better regardless of if you’re overpaying a bit?


He is paying 115 million a month to Denis o Brien and Larry Goodman. We are paying 4 times as much as the English are per bed

What a country

So you think nurses, doctors, cleaning staff and admin staff at the very least cost 300 odd per day?

I didn’t know you agreed with slave wages. Interesting. When will Sinn Féin he cutting Irish healthcare wages to UK levels?