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Nope. I think FG cronies are profiting

What’s our death rate vs. the English?

Shove your logic test up your hole. These figures were confirmed by your beloved Taoiseach today. We are paying way more than the Tories for the use of private hospitals It’s not terribly relevant now but when FFG are coming to take Medical Cards off Downes Syndrome kids again it will be very relevant.

Think we are both in and around the top ten in death rates per million

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The same lads ‘overpaid a bit’ on the Children’s hospital. Can you see a pattern here?

Ireland are 15th, the UK are 8th. Ours is less than half of theirs

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15th is woeful

What’s ours vs British occupied ireland?

Does the UK only count deaths that occurred in hospitals?

And its still much better than the Brits who got a great deal on their hospital beds apparently

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy would prefer people to die than spend a few bob to make sure we save lives.

Well you need to understand the full figures. By the metric being talked about, that’s £333 per bed per day in a UK hospital. It costs over €800 a day for someone in a basic ward in the VHI in a public hospital in Ireland.

Can you do a basic logic test there? I know the likes of yourself are generally pretty thick when it comes to the reality of numbers vs what sounds nice, but do you think that’s reasonable for the UK? Did Varadkar comment on the UK rate per bed?

Nope, we should have taken the hospitals off the FG cronies

@binkybarnes started out by saying that Leo hates poor people, and now he’s complaining because he apparently didn’t want to get into a long drawn out negotiation for the use of private hospitals


Lads are tying themselves up in knots because the health system has not been over run by this because FG threw money at it. Can you imagine if people had died because we haggled over price.

Classic hurlers on the ditch.


Is coveney related to Goodman?

They are both members of yacht clubs if that helps.

That’s a positive

I’m.looking for negatives


A beauty. It’s what makes you one of the best things on tfk.

@binkybarnes and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy seem to be suggesting that there should be a fully loaded cost of less than £14 an hour for a hospital bed without capital costs, as we all assume that private hospitals are covering this.

That £333 per day covers the cost of the doctor, nurses, cleaners & other staff for the day to treat one patient.

As I pointed out, this costs well over €800 a day in public beds in Ireland.

They must be suggesting that we cut the pay of our hardworking healthcare workers. They must not “care” about them.


FFG protecting their cronies