Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The socialists numbers never add up

You want to cut nurses and doctors pay in Ireland. Shame on you.

It isn’t actually clear about what the UK are paying for access to private beds but Corbyn was of course giving out that it costed £300 per day for a bed when those media reports came out. How does he think that hospital workers are paid.

The stupidity of these people is unreal.


I don’t want FFG enriching their cronies

That is the clear implication of what you’re saying.

Are you saying that what the public hospitals charge private health Insurance members is grossly disproportionate?

At UK rates we’d be making some significant cuts to the salaries of our nurses and doctors. That’s what you are saying.

Are the private hospitals profiting?

Private, for profit healthcare as a concept is disgusting.

You tell me, have you added up their staff costs, ICU costs and capital costs and attributed them?

All I know is that public beds to VHI and other private health insurers cost over €800 per day. Go figure.

Actually the reality is that the Tories and the Republicans have both been extremely fiscally irresponsible since World War II while their Labour and Democratic counterparts have run far more balanced budgets.

The US healthcare system is the most inefficient in the world. For profit healthcare is by definition extremely inefficient.

Remdesivir works lads. You can argue over hospital bed costs in the pub over the May bank holiday


Answer the question please

Good luck with that

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Why does it matter if they’re profiting? Needs must

It’s disgusting if FFG cronies are profiting from this

FFG? Are FF involved?

I don’t know. But at a minimum of €813 a night for public beds in a ward

It does not surprise me that it costs far more than the rumoured UK cost of £333 per bed.

That’s if you want to pay people their standard wages, to cover ICU costs and for private hospitals to pay their capital costs.

They are 1

Welcome to four days ago

Company who owns it shares are up 30 per cent today


Did anyone pay any attention to you 4 days ago?

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6 likes is all. You’d get more for that for a photo of an aul dinner and there I was setting out the cure for a global pandemic.