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some state of affairs when the Russians and China are the ones to help Italy, the EU is a disgusting organisation, only interested in money

It was a grim oul spot at the best of times.

I see you’re deliberately mistaking wages of ordinary workers for “profit”. Neat Orwellian trick.

For profit healthcare being wrong is not a “slogan”, it’s a core moral principle. That somebody’s access to healthcare should decided by how much they earn is a disgusting concept. And you knew full well that that’s what I’m talking about.

What are the arguments against, say, Bernie Sanders’ healthcare bill? Why is the overwhelmingly for profit US model the most inefficient in the world, and indeed one of the most barbaric?

You say somebody’s access to healthcare should be decided by how much they earn.

What are the arguments that say it should?

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Spoken like the hungry little Blue shirt that you are.


I’ve never voted for Fine Gael in my life. You lose credibility when you criticise everything. Criticise when there is something to criticise, when there’s not give credit where its due or stay silent

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Connection to reality: zero. As always.

This really puzzles me this attitude.

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@binkybarnes is dead right here.

So we should have just not bothered with taking over the private hospitals?

Outside the UK what other countries have taken over their private hospitals and how much are they paying?

Paying the Private Hospitals 4.5 times what their British equivalent is getting is worthy of criticism. I think it’s a scandal and it will be exposed as such whenever the dust settles. We may even get another “heartfelt” apology from Simon Harris when the time comes.

Why should we be allowing private hospitals to hold the state over a barrel at a time of national crisis?

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We’re a different country to Britain. Lads need to get over comparing everything we do to Britain. Post colonial shame.

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What’s the alternative? Let people die because there’s no beds?

What about other countries that have taken over their private hospitals? What are they paying?

Well can you engage your brain a bit on costs?

It costs over €800 a night for a public bed on a ward for a VHI customer and you really think we could get a lot lower than that? Who is paying the wages then?

As with most of your contributions here throughout this crisis, that’s empty sloganeering designed not to examine the issues but to act as PR fro Fine Gael.

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Lads would prefer people die. The same lads would argue we should have paid what it takes to save lives too.

No point engaging with them. They are contrarians. They are experts in public health after a month of googling. It’s fascinating to watch them criticise every single action along the way and engage in doomsday prophecies and then seethe when they don’t come about so they direct their ire at over payments now based on what Britain is paying for a different product.

Anyway I am off for a run.

Remember remdesivir


Typical Malahide, having to compare everything to what the UK are doing.