Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Have @binkybarnes or @Dziekanowski dealt with this fact yet?

The alternative is no profiteering. Your post accepts they are profiteering.

But profiteering is what for profit healthcare is about. That’s why it’s a failed concept.


And what if people die because there wasn’t enough beds due to not paying for the private hospitals? Is that better or worse than people profiteering from it?

So private healthcare is deeply inefficient, yes?

Why is it such a black hole for money?

Strawman much?

Somebodies access to healthcare shouldn’t be decided by how much they earn. They should have access based upon need.

That is not incompatible with companies within the healthcare sector operating for profit

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IT COSTS more than €900 a day to keep a patient in a hospital bed in two Cork hospitals, The Echo can reveal.

They seem to be calling for quite dramatic cuts to the pay of our Healthcare Heroes given their issue with the price.

Don’t do it to yourself. You’re debating with a lad who said Italy had handled this better than any other country. Italy where the military had to be used to move coffins. He’s a contrarian.

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See again, you’re approaching the topic from a fundamentally wrong angle - you’re saying that profitering in a time of national crisis is acceptable.

We’re really getting down to brass tacks now in terms of rotten idelogies.

Why is the following doable in Britain, but not here?

Under the terms of the agreement, private hospitals will not make a profit, undertaking the work at cost.


Is this video circulating on Bookface of the Keelings workers coming into Dublin Airport legit?

I see Keelings made a statement and that they’ll all have to isolate for 14 days. Some load of apes losing their shit online over this.

So you’re against the idea of for profit healthcare? You’re in favour of a single tier public national health service?

Well, that was easy.

Here are the bed costs for the NHS a couple of years ago, but I imagine the variety of treatments all come in at an average of £300

I’ve not seen the video. We’ve been logging every flight coming in and every passenger’s reason for travel. There was nothing on the log for Wednesday or Thursday. I didn’t check earlier than that (I was only responsible for Wednesday and Thursday entries) but I heard nothing of it.

There is profit in the public healthcare system mate. Already.

I’m in favour of a single tier system if it can deliver.

Lads spending their dole on fags and while complaining about other lads paying for private healthcare.
You literally couldn’t make it up.


Nobody said that.

Your contributions throughout this topic have been embarrassingly bad.

A classic case of somebody with nothing to say but a determination that they’re going to say something at all costs.

“Marketplace of ideas”.

Great to see my advice being heeded

Must be true if Keelings made a statement. Lads losing their shit online but they wouldn’t do that work regardless. Gas cunts


Keelings have lost a few of their key twitter customers over it. Talks of a boycott from a Patricia and all.

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You’re deliberately mistaking a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work with profit. I haven’t a clue why you’d do that, well I do actually, but let’s not go there.

Single tier public health systems work - if they’re well funded and avoid the sort of failed stealth privatisation measures that the NHS in Britain has been subject to for decades.

This crisis is irrefutable proof of that.

They were skilled horticultural staff according to Keelings.