Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Same cunts don’t give a rats arse who picks their bananas or oranges though or how much they’re paid.

is this what it costs or what the VHI are charged by the hospital?

I think it’s fairly obvious it’s a case of outrage for outrage sake

I myself am boycotting strawberries since Liam Dunne’s assault on Gary Kirby so it’s all the one to me


Stop fixating on workers. Even if we agree to disagree on that there is lots of profit in the healthcare sector ie pretty much every company that supplies into it. So profit already exists in healthcare. That goes for your beloved NHS as well.

So to revert to the original point - you’re actually comfortable with profit in healthcare - you just want single tier/access for all

So maybe a slogan like “equal healthcare for all” will work better for you next time

K bye tx

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I think it’s been driven by a Racist element using COVID19 as a perfect backdrop.

Yeah, they would move from Country to Country at this work. Skilled may be a bit of a stretch though.

This was 10 years ago, so it will be more.

People will continue to study for years, innovate and research so that newer, more effective and revolutionary drugs can be developed even if they are only on the same money as someone in a call centre. That’s obvious mate


You were the person who brought workers into it.

But even though you couldn’t resist the typical Fine Gael “debating” strategy of merely deriding an uncomfortable truth as a “slogan”, you’ve accepted my points are correct.

I suppose that’s some small sort of progress on your part.

Well dealing with Sidney and the likes of Blinky, you have to remember the limited scope of their thinking. Things just drop down from heaven and work. Everything is just nice as well.


Did somebody say straw man?

Your slogan (and it is a slogan) is wrong and funnily doesn’t even reflect what you believe in. Odd.

When Dimmy is all out of ideas and is offended that his position has been blown out of the water, he goes full offended sarcasm.

He could take out a patent on it.

Facinating to watch, as they say.

What in the name of Christ have you ever blown out of the water on here?

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Well you’re saying that people dying because there’s not enough beds is preferable to people profiting

People dying has never been an issue for the left


You literally agreed with me that single tier public health systems are superior and that money should not decide access to healthcare.

That’s the very definition of being against for profit healthcare.

This lad has gone off the reservation altogether.

How’s that? You refused to answer my question so I have to assume that was your view

It’s a bit early in the morning to be having a full meltdown, pal