Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You would think so but fellas are still managing

You haven’t understood anything I’ve said or are deliberately ignoring it. Go back and read it all again.

Sad to see lads resort to trolling when they get hurt at losing an argument.

Do you know what the equivalent cost per UK hospital bed is?

There is no evidence that our private hospitals are not doing the work at cost.

At cost will include the capital costs of buildings, which are significant.

The VHI and other healthcare providers are providing refunds to customers based on the takeover.

This will be accounted for in the agreement.

The Irish State will have acquired the full use of these hospitals which provide a range of services, including all important ICU beds which cost more than the standard bed.

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I did read it, that’s the point.

Healthcare refers to treating people in hospitals and GP services etc. For profit healthcare, ie. the health insurance sector and private hospitals, deems profit to be more important than the health of a patient.

This is an inescapable fact.

This is why well funded public healthcare, delivered free at the point of use, is superior in every sense. It’s superior morally and it’s superior economically.

You’ve already accepted this.

I’ve posted them up above there from 2017/2018.

You are off your rocker if you think it costs just £333 per day for a hospital bed in the West, let alone a complex one like an ICU one.

The Trump-style strategy of the Fine Gael set has been badly exposed on this thread. It really is amazing how some lads can be lured into defending the indefensble just out of “butthurt”, which is one of Dimmy’s favourite terms, I believe.

Seems a big difference between the costs alright but the cost is not 4 times as much so why are the State paying 4 times more than the UK for a private bed?

And just a FYI on the UK hospital deal, this is what it cover;

Spire Healthcare will receive cost recovery for its services, including operating costs, overheads, use of assets, rent and interest less a deduction for any private elective care provided.

That will be nowhere close to £333 per bed per day, it will be a hell of a lot more.

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A lot of fellas on here just don’t have a clue when it comes to halting global pandemics

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Do you want to answer the question. Is it better to pay over the odds or for people to die because there aren’t enough beds?


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Not really, look at what their chart actually says on day rates and excess day rates, surgeries etc.

Again, just to point this out, if you actually think it costs £333 per day for a bed, you think the fully loaded unit cost per hour is a little over £14 an hour, and with say 2/3 “use” a little over £20. This is batshit mental.

Whether the UK figure is low it still doesn’t explain why we are paying 4 times as much for the bed. Is it possible that the private hospital in the UK is charging actual cost rather than building in some profit and that the Irish hospital is charging a bigger than usual premium?

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People die every year because of the status private hospitals have in the free state.

It’s an absolute disgrace what FF/FG have done to the health system over the years.

Why are they paying over the odds?

Some guy has looked at the HSE accounts and reckons they spend about €58k per month per bed.

I’ve no idea if this is comparing apples with apples (and don’t imagine anyone else here does either) - but I presume this figure will be ignored and the UK figure championed when neither are clear.

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This is the beginning of the rest of your life
You better start grafting cos you’re running out of time

cc @Copper_pipe

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