Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The realisation coming over your mind
That it should be a canter

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The UK figure is not a final one.

I’ve just posted the details, all costs are there including rent.

As I said, even a standard unit cost of £20 per hour (which would be use of a bed for 2/3 of the day) is insane.

Championing the “UK figure” (which is taken from a couple of articles, with no actual final costs) is championing mass wage cuts across the healthcare sector.

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So was Leo misleading us when he said we were paying 4 times as much as the NHS for a private bed. Why would he do that?


It appears they aren’t paying over the odds

How does it appear they aren’t paying over the odds?

Read the facts which @Tim_Riggins and @tallback have outlined

Maybe he was trying to appeal to people like @the_man_himself who like the idea of private sector profiteering in a pandemic?

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He didn’t say that.

Deputy Paul Murphy: I wish to move to the deal with the private hospitals. It is reported
in a newspaper today that the estimated monthly cost of the leasing of private hospitals will be
€115 million. Is that accurate? Again, I seek a simple Yes or No answer, not a kicking to touch
that something will be published at some time. Is it accurate that €115 million will be given
per month to private hospitals? If it is accurate, is there a profit margin built into that? In other
words, are some people going to get rich off of dealing with this massive health emergency?
16/04/2020Y00700The Taoiseach: That is an estimate so it is as accurate as any estimate can be, if that answers the Deputy’s question. It may be right or it may be wrong. It is an accurate estimate but
it is not necessarily what the actual cost will be because we will not know that until the end,
when the costs are calculated. The agreement made between the HSE and the Private Hospitals
Association was that this would be done on a not-for-profit basis; the agreement is for the covering of the costs of the private hospitals

The only person who brought that up is Paul Murphy;

16/04/2020EEE00800Deputy Paul Murphy: Thank you very much, a Cheann Comhairle. The first question is
about the deal with the private hospitals. The Taoiseach confirmed to me earlier that the estimated cost is €115 million per month for 2,601 beds, which works out at an average of €44,000
per bed. It has been reported in the UK that the NHS deal with private hospitals there is worth
£72 million per month for 8,000 beds. That works out at an average of €10,000 per bed. My
question is what is the breakdown of the costs. There are 8,000 staff in the private hospitals so
that would be €14,000 per person, which means the money is not all going on staff costs. Where
*is the money going? Is there profiteering? Fundamentally, why does it look as if we are paying *
Dáil Éireann
four times as much per bed as the British NHS to private companies that are owned by people
like Denis O’Brien, Larry Goodman etc.?
16/04/2020EEE00900Deputy Paschal Donohoe: I will double-check the figures that were given to Deputy Paul
Murphy and I will check what the Taoiseach said earlier about the level of payment that is being made to private hospitals. The fundamental reason we have accessed this bed capacity is,
in particular if Covid-19 intensifies in the way it could, the beds that are available in the private
hospitals and in particular their intensive care facilities could play a critical role in keeping the
country safe, avoiding loss of life and keeping more citizens healthy. That is the reason the
Government made the decision to lease those facilities from the private health sector. Those
payments will only be made available up to a maximum level and they depend on the usage of
those facilities across the period.

All here for you to read, no need to tell lies now.

This is a great example of the level of intellect of Paul Murphy and several posters on here. Should we be cutting down wages everywhere to get to a unit price of £20 (converted to euro)?

Perhaps get the actual terms of the deals with the UK private hospitals. Spire Healthcare, which has around 39 UK Private hospitals, has monthly costs of £74m alone, before another £7m monthly financing costs are included. There will be differences in cash impacts of course and they do run clinics, but that Group alone exceeds the “£72m” Paul Murphy mentions.


So it seems you are unable to explain it.

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That’s not an answer. Telling people “go away and read that” is what 9/11 truthers and the like do.

Well if you want to take a Daily Mirror report as fact then go ahead.

Do people really think that private UK hospitals only spend £72m a month on all salaries, overheads and finance costs? :sweat_smile:

Paul Murphy wants us to be as good as Britain. Classic post colonialism. We need to be bold and steer our own course without always looking East to Anglian for some validation.

He’s worse than the cunts who post on Twitter when hurling is on Sky

Ireland is a different country to Britain and Paul Murphy needs to stop comparing us.


Points made: none.

Amount of hot air: enough to power Richard Branson across the Atlantic.

I’m asking a question and getting a lot of responses that don’t address it.


What exactly did the Daily Mirror say, and where exactly are they lying? Why are they lying, in your view? Could you elaborate on this?

Lads, I’m telling ye. Get the Christmas shopping sorted. Ye’ll never get a better chance.


I just have addressed it.

The Irish State have taken over all private hospitals.

The spend in just one UK private hospital group per month is the equivalent of what Paul Murphy suggested the cost was.

All here for you below;

This Gilead drug looks the real deal as a treatment option.

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Another TFK EXCLUSIVE last weekend.

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