Coronavirus - Close the Airports

They all scream about wanting the NHS for some bizarre reason. Buying into the NHS myth is something else.

If that’s what Paul wants though, that’s what he wants. We can cut down the healthcare workers salaries to the levels he’s talking about.

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The bean counting has begun, is this thing over?

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That’s not addressing the question.

The NHS where availability of cancer drugs depends on where you live and a committee assessing you.

What is “the NHS myth”?

It would seem so.

Paul Murphy wants services to be cheap but salaries to be high.

He’d also tax those highly paid medical professionals at 60 per cent.


Blueshirts going heavy on the sloganeering now.


What’s done is done and cannot be undone. For to go back would be as tedious as to go forward

I have addressed the question.

Spire Healthcare’s heads of terms with the NHS;

Spire Healthcare will receive cost recovery for its services, including operating costs, overheads, use of assets, rent and interest less a deduction for any private elective care provided.

Spire Healthcare’s total annual costs are below;

There are over 500 private hospitals in the UK, Spire has just 39.

One hospital group alone’s monthly costs exceed Paul Murphy’s budget. Once again, we have taken over ALL private hospitals and not just services.

Paul Murphy needs to compare like with like (i.e. what services have actually been procured) & get the actual costs. He doesn’t have them but going on what he is saying, he wants to slash our Healthcare Heroes salaries.

By taxing those highly paid medical professionals at 60% it creates a tax base to provide good quality state medical services and facilities.

I wouldn’t expect a blueshirt to understand taxation though.

How soon before it’s in the chemist’s?

Can ye fuck off to a bean counting thread with this shit, please?

Expect a certain someone to start blaming the Tories for that.

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That’s not the question I asked. Can you try answering the question I asked?

Is that the same question you were asking last night? I told you

It’s right there above. Get the actual services and costs procured and come back to me.

It’s not there at all. You are being completely disingenuous here.

Where did I say that? I think its preferable to people dying because of a shortage of beds though, yes. You haven’t answered whether you think the same

The Irish state is paying over four times the amount on beds per month, and nine times the amount per ventilator per month. That’s a complete scandal.

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