Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The privatisation of healthcare is the cause of many deaths every year.

The left wingers are more worried about money than people’s welfare

How so, given private healthcare is all about making healthcare unaffordable for the less well off.

You are incredibly obtuse, you want one of the other boys to come in and speak for you now?

That would only make sense if we didn’t have public healthcare as well, which we do

It is not abnormal to see drugs at the phase 3 stage on the market and thats where Gilead are at with Remdisivir. Hopefully FDA give seal of approval and it can be expedited to the market.

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The public health system has been ran down to allow for the private health system to thrive.


I have posted the terms of reference for the Spire Healthcare deal.

Spire Healthcare will receive cost recovery for its services, including operating costs, overheads, use of assets, rent and interest less a deduction for any private elective care provided.

Those costs are close to £80m a month when finance costs are included.

The deduction for private care is important - because Ireland has wholly taken over the private hospitals, therefore no private care being offered. On a like for like basis on what we paid for, we are assuming all of their costs.

Alright lads. We’ll call it draw

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When has the public health sector in Ireland ever been strong?

The hospitals were certainly cleaner when the Nuns ran them.

You didn’t say it. Now you’re complaining when somebody uses a disingenuous argument as a debating tool against you - which is the exact tactic you decided to use against me.

Then, amazingly, you you actually run with that narrative that I had thrown in to throw you.

This is pretty simple. We have a pandemic. Instead of complaining about profiteering, you blame the people pointing out the profiteering.

A classic Fox News bullshit narrative and almost North Korean in its disingenuousness.

Straight from the “you hope the that woman was raped” narrative when people want to see rapists punished.

When they weren’t for profit and your wealth was not the decisive factor in the standard and speed of healthcare you received.

Healthcare should never, ever be in the hands of people out to make profits.

But its typical FF/FG corruption, privatise every state asset/service/resource to a bunch of unscrupulous billionaires for a song and let them purge the citizens as they stack up their wealth.

In two tier systems, that’s always the case. That’s why Bernie Sanders was completely correct to propose the effective abolition of private health insurance for all but non-essential, elective procedures.

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You don’t know the full figures at all.

You’re focusing on a paragraph of financials statements.

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You started that

I think the profiteering is reprehensible. I also think that when you’re in a pandemic the government should be paying whatever is necessary for the quickest response to it rather than bickering over price and letting people die because there aren’t enough beds. I care more about people than money

That doesn’t make any sense.

We have never had a strong public health system despite throwing money at it. Throwing money at it goes back to the 1960s regarding our spend of GNP. It has greatly improved in lots of areas though, namely cancer care.

There’s no mythical bygone era for Irish healthcare. The NHS does.

I posted the terms of reference on costs covered and what the actual costs are per month for less than 10% of the UK private hospital market. We have taken over the entirety of the private hospital market here, therefore like for like those are the costs we should have assumed. Engage the brain more.

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That’s a complete failure of Government, you can fix a public health system.

Privatising the health system only leads to pricing the less well off out of healthcare that should be covered by the state. Your wealth should never be the determining factor in deciding what level and expediency of health service you received and that is what FF and FG have strived to deliver.

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How many people die every year because they can’t afford private healthcare?

Are you going to tell me? I never said I was pro private healthcare. I’m specifically talking about the response to the pandemic

I would find it interesting though if you have those figures to hand

Well clearly you are, otherwise there is no way you could countenance defending this situation.