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Not true, look at Switzerland.

That’s nonsense. I’m defending paying over the odds for swift action (if they did indeed pay over the odds)

How many?

Switzerland is one of the richest and affluent nations on the planet, no doubt lending to it’s dodgy banking industry.

So is Ireland.

Ah lads :rofl:

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is giving a tour de France here


It’s not nonsense, you are defending the position of private healthcare.

I don’t know how many but you just have to look at waiting times and quality of healthcare provided in both and the cost of health insurance in the 26 and you can see how your wealth and the ability to pay health insurance is going to determine your ability to survive a medical affliction or die and that is utterly, utterly grotesque.

You only need to look at some of the hallions who share the profits of the private healtchare system in this state to see who the Government benefited at the cost of the citizens and taxpayers in the state

That has nothing to do with what I posted.

You don’t know what you’re shitting on about here.

It’s quite ironic that it’s often Sinn Féiners who are the most devoted to the NHS. The German healthcare system has performed extremely well during this crisis and has elements of what you suggest destroy healthcare systems. Switzerland is often cited as one of the best ones in the world and has those elements. Nobody is saying that the State should not fund the majority of the system, but there are different systems out there that look more effective than the NHS.

Just throwing out words like privatisation and profit doesn’t make you insightful or more caring than the next person.


Where did I do that?


There is huge wealth inequality in Ireland, a public health system being ran down to cater for private interests, a homeless crisis where wealthy vulture funds can profiteer in the rental market, large multi nationals brazenly shirking the their tax share.

It’s a rotten state where policy is implemented to benefit white collar criminal scumbags like Denis O’Brien, Larry Goodman and co.

When you defended private interests holding the nation to ransom over healthcare but seeing as you are entrenched in your views to defend a person’s wealth as the metric to which people should receive healthcare then it is hardly surprising.

Waiting lists and/or the NHS have been a persistent issue in the UK for decades and an election issue at each and every one. The NHS was even a Brexit issue.

Have you ever had to wait for private consultancy? I have.

I never defended the private interests profiteering. You made that up. I defended the government paying to get the deal done quickly to help save lives

What’s your point here?

I’m talking about the NHS. I’ve never said our system is top notch.

Apparently there can’t be anything private in a healthcare system but countries like Germany and Switzerland excel with that element and fund care for all.

Seamus Coffey is an economist and social scientist from my old alma mater worth following. Some really interesting analysis from him lately.


It’s not about waiting lists.

If a health system is dysfunctional then that’s on the Government and it can be fixed.

But when a Government takes the decision to wash its hands off the health system, to put it into private interests who only care about turning a profit over, who make proper healthcare for many people unaffordable and make a policy of running down the system that caters for those people, where it makes your chances of survival or recovery down your ability to be able to pay for health insurance - then that is utterly, utterly grotesque.

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A sound man.


He’s a seriously interesting guy, I saw him speak a few months ago and he was excellent.

If we never defended it then why are we having this discussion?

You are rowing back at an unprecedented rate here. You have consistently defended private interests profiteering out of this. That’s exactly what you have been called out on.