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The Irish State has not done that. It has repeatedly thrown money at it. There have been some very successful initiatives including the National Cancer Care Control programme where they brought in an Irish Canadian to oversee it. Other elements are terrible I agree.

People need to stop claiming that it is for want of caring that things don’t succeed all the time.

Anywho, I was directly addressing your point on private elements within a healthcare system. They are not always a disaster, not my any means. That does not mean we do not fund treatment for all and universal access.

Yeah wouldn’t be surprised to see RTE or Virgin media using him a bit more. They usually go with Eddie Jordan (also UCC), Dan O Brien. He had a really interesting take on fuel prices this week too and schooled Charlie Weston.

Because you have trouble reading and tried to invent that I said something I didn’t I suppose? Can you point out where I defended it even once?

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Part of the RIP jump is due to more listings due to the inability to hold funerals is it not? Not everyone lists deaths on it but it’s more likely now.

I asked you a question you didn’t answer, again.

Throwing money at it?

Wake up Dimmy, what are they throwing money at, who are they throwing it at?

The most expensive hospital in the world, but who is profiting from the most expensive hospital in the world? I’ll tell you - private interests are making a killing off the taxpayer in delivering this vanity project. Same ol FF/FG.

The government have no interest in fixing the health system, they’ll throw a ball of money at private interests and say we tried and then they will continue to look after the private interests that they have allow enter the healthcare market here.

And who suffers? The citizens suffer while the unscrupulous billionaires that tell FG and FF what to do get richer and richer and aren’t even asked to pay the tax they are liable to.

You’ve just made an unbelievable claim there about the gross incompetence of FG there and you still vote for them?

Deary, deary me.

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What should be done to fix it?

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The party of fiscal responsibility throw money after money on the healthcare system they can’t fix.

The party of fiscal responsibility throw money after money on the housing crisis they can’t fix.

It’s becoming quite clear that these guys are completely and utterly shit and trying to run a country and provide the most important public services.

But hey, billionaires continue to strive under their watch.

It is only death notices. Death notices can be published without any forthcoming plans for a funeral.
If it was an inability to hold funerals would that not mean the jump in figures would be understated.

The first step would be to remove all private healthcare interests in the state.

Healthcare should never be dictated by a person’s ability to afford it.

FF and FG should never, ever be let near the health service ever again after years of mismanagement and incompetence.

Who’ll run it then? 60% of voters told their votes shouldn’t count towards where a huge portion of their taxes go?

Your first two points do make sense but are not specific. Any specific measures?

I’m not a healthcare professional but there are plenty of countries out there with functioning public health systems.

The problem is the culture of corruption that exists with FG and FF, Michael Lowry, Charlie Haughey, Bertie Ahern, Liam Lawlor, Michael Martin, Denis Naughton and you could go on and on and on. The cosy relationship FF and FG policy makers have long had with wealthy billionaires and protecting their business interests has for years ran down state services and resources.

Corruption, negligence and gross mismanagement is the hallmarks of the violent civil war parties in the free state.

The state needs to regain control of its resources, its services and its policies. There is the starting line because for too long it’s been the tail wagging the dog, the large multinationals and the wealthy billionaires telling the government what to do with regard policy and it has always been at the detriment of your ordinary citizen. It was the citizens who took up the burden when the banking sector lost the run of themselves over a decade ago.

And he still togs for junior hurling with some club in Limerick?

Yes but FF and FG have at least 60% of the voters. These are many of the taxpayers who are paying more for years for the financial crash, and they are essentially, the state, im not sure how you suggest the health service can be run when 60% or more of the population don’t have a say. And they even are a larger portion of the tax base who will pay for any health service. Are you suggesting tax payers including multinationals are told to pay even more tax, while SF or someone decides what to do with their money?

Where are you getting 60% from? They got under 50% in the last election and are unable to form a government without other parties.

What’s the point of your question here?

Was Chair of UCC hurling when a student afaik.

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Once again, private healthcare interests exist in universal access systems and do a good job,

No, you very definitely did.

Forgive me for thinking that someody who steams in to try and derail arguments against profiteering has an ulterior motive.

Taking the side of the profiteers rather than those who object to profiteering is a very, very strange way of being against profiteering, if you don’t mind me saying so.


He looked at this also, and figures broadly agreed with official death figures

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