Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Dont think so. I’m not into those kind of games

You don’t remember if they hand cuffed you? How much did it cost you to pay them off?

A slab of Guinness

Claire Daly was under the limit and was cleared.

I’d be interested to know if any drivers here have never taken a wrong turn down a one way street they’re unfamiliar with.

I suspect if they haven’t, they’re likely pretend drivers.

What, where did i say there she was arrested for an illegal turn?

Is it the hillbilly heroine I’m on or have lads just spent the last hour or so arguing about drink driving on the virus thread? Christ these tablets must be good


You said she was arrested for having a few drinks and taking an illegal turn. You’ve since retracted the few drinks bit so all that’s left is the illegal turn.

Where did i retract the alcohol bit? Thats exactly what she was arrested for.

But youve been saying all day she was wrongfully arrested, what was it based on? Ive had to ask a few times now

Did she or did she not have a few drinks?

No. Shes also an ugly contrary aul cunt. Surely that’s worth an arrest on its own

She definitely had alcohol taken yes.

Why won’t you answer though? Backing up imaginary victim hood is trickier than it seems i guess

She’s one of Ireland’s more capable politicians, so much so that she was ran out of the country.

Shes still ugly and contrary.

I’d say it was singing the Shanties that might have alerted them Mike.

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Where did the suspicion come from that “she had a few drinks”?

Dodgy illegal driving id say, i dont know. But if it was a bogus suspicion she’s gonna win millions. Did she?

Will I have to start a drinking driving thread now too, ye gomey cunts

Theres one there already.

Maybe you should start a thread "Forumites who could do with a week of cocooning "