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Arrested for an illegal turn? :grinning: :grinning:

He’s a hero to many though because he “gives it to the man”.

No for having a few drinks on her, did you not bother reading that part.

But anyway how many millions did she get in a settlement off the police state?

Well do you want to set up a thread on Regina Doherty’s financial affairs and the rights and wrongs of resorting to AGS?

There were plenty of avenues for you to go down criticising the Govt on public health or Covid on here, but you bizarrely went to the well on that one.

Was she convicted of drink driving?

No, she had a few drinks was clearly driving illegally but must have been under the limit.

Was she successful in her claim she was wrongly arrested as you said she was? I can’t seem to find record of the settlement and apology from the state

How do you have a few drinks and remain under the limit? Were they soft drinks?

I see from Twitter there is plane loads of Bulgarians arriving in Dublin airport @Batigol

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Youve never been bagged after a pint but not over the limit?

‘A few’ became ‘a pint’ very quickly there. And no, I’ve never been bagged at all.

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Ok so you’ve clarified she wasn’t drink driving so we can assume she was arrested for the wrong turn. Is it usual Garda practice for people to be arrested for taking a wrong turn or is it just those highlighting Garda corruption?

Are you waiting for the family to arrive
Are you sure you got the room to spare inside
Does your granny always tell ya
That the old songs are the best
Then shes up and rock n rollin with the rest

I was only highlighting your double standards Tim, carry on.

No thats completely wrong. She was arrested on suspicion of drink driving. You’re cluelessness renders the little conspiracy theory in the second half moot

Is everyone who takes an illegal turn under suspicion of drink driving?

No i wouldn’t think so? But like ive said and you are ignoring, if she was wrongfully arrested she would have won a packet and an apology. But she wasn’t, you just wish she was

So why did they think she was drink driving if all she did wrong was take an illegal turn?

Here comes the Martin Callinan apologist.

Didn’t they talk to her or something, where she said she’d been drinking? Again have you any grounds it was wrongful?

You should take it up with Claire if you truly believe she hadn’t drink taken

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Imagine she ran over a child or pensioner.if she rang mick i wonder what his advice on taking responsibility for your actions would be?