Coronavirus - Close the Airports

We are at Amen Corner on Sunday.

there’s plane loads of disease ridden cunts arriving from Bulagira to pick spuds and strawberries, all the good work is gone for a shite, wave 2 is coming

Leo, Simon, Tony, Cillian and the speccy guy from the HSE have done a top top job.
They called things spot on.

When things settle down the 5 lads above, IT workers who enabled working from home and the Drs and Nurses (except the Dr from Clare who spread the thing in first place), should all get special awards.


All over bar the shouting

I think its harsh that you’ve put the IT guys below Simon, Leo, Tony, Cillian and the speccy guy. They’ve been relying on data, and no body gets data without the it guys.
Actually, the speccy guy is probably the IT guy for the hse, which means that he is the big boss of all of this. We should have speccy guy statues all over the state.

They’ve been very lucky after getting plenty of warning in my opinion. Irish people watch so much sky news nowadays that the scenes from Italy resonated here and they scared the Irish public into thinking that would happen here. It obviously didn’t so people are wrongly thinking they’ve done a great job. I’d give them a pass overall but I don’t see how anybody can say they’ve done a great job.

complacency is the enemy now

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Cillian has a Leinster Senior schools Cup winners medal - what more can you give him ?


It’s all relative. Compared to the buffoons across the Irish sea, theyve smashed it

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This would bring a tear to the eye. What a belter of a tune…havent heard it since was in Drive

We shouldn’t compare ourselves to buffoons.

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Well there is that too. I do think you’re being a little harsh on our lads though.

It would be remiss of us to not include those in the food supply chain, especially supermarket workers who were very exposed throughout this.


George is making a fool of himself there so he is

Similar to them getting the swobs a few weeks ago for some less risky people but not having them processed until the last week or so, that really changes the picture.

Lots of people said it was pointless getting the swobs but not having the results quickly but really there is a significant benefit to it as we can be a lot of confident on the shape of the curve right now.

The government are talking about 100k tests a week capability for the next 6 months now. You’d have to assume that there will be a lot more precautionary testing out there of more frontline and at risk people.

The trend line is encouraging at this stage and it was very reassuring to hear Dr Tony say last night that we are passed the peak. They need to concentrate now on the poor misfortunes both staff and residents in nursing and care homes now as a priority.



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I’d imagine this “peak” has passed.
Open the pubs and you’ll possibly have another “peak”.
This could grumble on for months or years.


2 years before an effective vaccine

Another TFK and TUM exclusive. We called it weeks ago