Coronavirus - Close the Airports

the people of Ireland have made an incredible sacrifice

…could? Guaranteed to go on until a vaccine is found. Nevermind the second wave that will occur when countries start letting large numbers of citizens to return.

Paddy needs to mindful of Hokkaido

Inspired by the leadership shown by Leo and his crew

the Bulgarians Mick O’Leary is bringing in the plane load have a R0 of 2 or 3 ffs, Ireland will be riddled with again in 3 weeks



The day is dragging a bit today lads. Pissy auld weather here.

Antibodies completed for Santa Clara. Estimates only 2-4% have had it (population 2m, 1,000 official cases). Reckons it really is only as deadly as the flu though.

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Throw on some springsteen on YouTube :+1: be time for bed before you know it

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As I promised the forum I’ve now obtained a PhD level of knowledge on mathematical models predicting the spread of viruses. My PhD thesis was called “Mathematical Models - Worth a Tupenny Fuck?” It argues that mathematical models aren’t worth a tupenny fuck.


Russia and Japan in a bit of bother

Ahem. It could be a more deadly version of the common cold.

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Compare us to up north? Is there any differences in death rate?

You’ve quinine, vitamin d, sauerkraut, hydro something or other and BCG. If that isn’t good enough you don’t deserve a vaccine.


A friend of mine lives in Yokohama and was telling me there’s no social distancing, all the trains are packed heading in and out of work.

And how did you enable WFH exactly?

But if you open the pubs in say six weeks there will be a peak anyway. The lads are gasping like.

We’ll name a street in Limerick after Tony. Surely a few of those proddy named streets we never got rid of, we can use up.

“Hoolohans Quay” has a ring to it.

They fucking butchered a good tune.