Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Impossible to get rid of them all in fairness.

Tis why we nicknamed you Boomerang

It’s all relative. If you were offered a million a year salary but 100 of your closer circle were offered 2 million would you feel more better off?

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Talk here that customers to be banned from grocery stores, too many employees getting COVID-19 and some dying. Pick up and deliveries only might be the new normal. I was at the store yesterday a day after mandatory mask wearing was announced and was at the fish counter ordering shrimp for my noodles from the requisite 4 feet distance from the counter. A fat cunt was next to me, no mask and barking at the lad behind the counter. Up and down to the counter ordering five shrimp, six mussels, four scallops, five clams, etc. The thought of kicking him in the nuts crossed my mind.

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I thought cali was good. Not looking for a row but I didnt think things had got bad there

Cali is good, the comment is US in general. But it makes some sense, there are a subset of people who just won’t observe social distancing.

No surprise, regular exercise is the best weapon against COVID-19.

Abbott claim to have an anti body test ready to go. Mass testing could show that a majority of the population have already been exposed

Have they got any closer to working out if someone who was infected can get it again?

Yes and no.

You’re an awful inquisitive fella, you remind me of another lad who used to post here who disappeared recently

You too eh. And not just him. A wee bit tragic.

This is from a UK government source, but I’d imagine the conversation is the same all over

*The source added: “They are waiting for the public to change their minds.

“We didn’t want to go down this route in the first place – public and media pressure pushed the lockdown, we went with the science.

“The lockdown will only start coming loose when the public wants it to – not ministers.”*

Over the last few weeks we have been asked to comply with restrictions (bar the cultured types, morans going to beaches and dog walkers) on order to flatten the curve to buy time. Now that seems to be achieved what is the plan? FFG and HSE can going play the we have to get used to it for a while. This craic of wait until a vaccine will only last another week

Don’t know about ye but I’m finding Tubridy’s Jimmy Stewart impersonation on the Late Late a bit tiresome at this stage.


Herself had an illness in February with cough, shortness of breath, the whole lot, that would have put her straight in a covid ward if she went into hospital now.
Unfortunately, to our surprise and dismay a bit, she has just tested negative for antibodies, so hasn’t had it.
Prior to this I thought it was very widespread. Now I’m not so sure.

That lady just can’t get a break


How is she getting tested for antibodies? Is there some sort of study going on?

Was speaking to a vet yesterday who said that cats had corona virus infections for years, and they’d never been able to make a vaccine. The one they did make was taken off the market as it stopped working if it ever did.
Lot more money being thrown at it now.
We need some adults in govt to admit that we are going to have to live with this, and get society moving again asap and just accept it.

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I was sent 5 kits by a pal (I know) in imperial college in London. (A reader in chemistry, and heavily involved in the trials) they claim to be 98% sensitive and specific.
If anyone is desperate, I can probably get more. They are £40 each I think.
I can’t stand over them, but I trust them myself.
If anyone really needs them, pm me and I’ll see can I get some.