Coronavirus - Close the Airports

It’s a long story. Pm me if you want, but this lad is as kosher as you’ll get.

How long did they take to work or did ye have to send them off?

Flatty sending out testing kits is the new @Copper_pipe hooking lads up with IPTV/ Fitbits/ Ukrainian third division betting tips.


He’s one of Sid’s alter egos, I ran @Malarkey’s prose analysis app on him and he came up positive.

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They are very similar to a pregnancy test in user function

I’d rather not, but if anyone has a genuine need, I’d try.
People just need to think is there any real benefit to knowing.
Also bear in mind that noone is actually certain that previous exposure guarantees immunity, though I suspect for the vast majority it does.

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That was brilliant :laughing:

We’ve the 3D printer going here in work making them face masks that work with the acetate sheet.

I’m open to offers via PM.

Uh oh

1h ago08:48

Singapore has confirmed an additional 1,426 cases of Covid-19 infection, a record daily jump that took the city-state’s tally to 8,014.

Its health ministry said the vast majority of the new cases were among migrant workers living in dormitories. As many as 90% of infections have reportedly been linked to these workers. Singapore’s number of deaths currently stands at 11.

The latest rise means the city-state, which has a population of 5.6 million, has seen its total confirmed cases soar from 2,800 to more than 8,000 in the past seven days, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

I got two no caller id calls this morning stating that neither myself nor the young lads tests showed evidence of infection. A day shy of four weeks waiting for the results. Having said that, the test appears to be about 70% accurate. 16 staff in UHL ICU have had to go into isolation being exposed to someone who tested negative twice before getting a positive on the third test.


I’ve about a half dozen colleagues who were never tested but had family members test positive and had symptoms themselves. I know our work probably had us more susceptible to catching it, but there must be thousands out there who’ve had it and not been recorded in the numbers.


His overwrought ramblings are absolutely ridiculous. He thinks he’s the voice of the nation or something. A painful fucking cunt.


You’re a nasty piece of work.

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There’s a huge amount of begrudgery towards Tubs on this forum and it’s sad to see. Eating lads up inside.

He’s a terrific broadcaster. Tubs is the voice of the nation like Jerry Kelly is the voice of Olympic gymnastics.

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Would be interesting to see if they did get testing out. Like herself I had an awful dose in February, not sounding like brenda on fb reckon I had it based on symptoms but would like to know if I had it or not

Tubs gets too much of a hard time.

My auld wan got results last week. Negative too.

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The most reliable feature seems to be a loss of smell and taste to an unnatural level. Again, last week, I was speaking to a colleague who had confirmed infection.
He said under normal circumstances he felt unwell for seven days, three of which he felt unwell enough that he would have not come to work.
About three or four days after recovery he lost his sense of smell to the extent that he opened a bottle of domestos right under his nose, and couldn’t smell it, and got the hottest curry (vindaloo) that he could buy, and couldn’t taste anything. Three weeks later it is gradually improving.

So you just had the sniffles?

I had something.