Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m glad you’re feeling better mate.

My taste went very funny and it was worst flu I even had, fever, sweats, barely eating or moving. Bad for a week. Next week I went to doctor about the cough, was very heavy he put me on antibiotics for respiratory infection. This was around same week as first case in ireland, so I dunno if I’m playing it up or what. If an antibody test can confirm or deny I had it be great. Cough only went 2 weeks ago

Pm me

BREAKING: A further 77 people are confirmed to have sadly died from #Covid19 in the Republic. 401 new cases confirmed today too. It now brings the death toll to 687 & the number of confirmed cases stands at 15,652.

Thats some spike wtf?

Not all of them 77 would have died in the past day I’d say.

They might give the daily figure yet.

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What does it mean for travel? Obviously, I suspect quite a lot of businesses that can’t WFH will be allowed back but will they still be enforcing essential travel?

The new cases number is very good, well on the way down now.

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Forget about travel going forward, 2 weeks quarantine on arrival & return will be standard.

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Tony said cider. It has triggered me. Open the pubs

What are the Vintners proposals? Have they put forward anything to the government in terms of how they can ensure safety of their staff and customers instead of whinging about the industry being crippled. Every industry needs to adapt. Lazy shower of bastards.


What do you expect?

America has a huge obesity problem.

401 new cases, the way some lads were talking here you’d think it was 4.

You pee on them?

Better than 800 yes?

I’m not talking about foreign travel, purely domestic.

401 new cases, the way some lads were talking here you’d think it was 40,001